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RE: 'Matilda' by Danny DeVito Review: A simple story with creative filmmaking

in Movies & TV Shows2 years ago (edited)

I should give this film a rewatch soon. Although I have seen it a couple of times, the last viewing must have been decades ago. Eventhough I enjoyed the book ( and most books by Roald Dahl ) a lot, The BFG and The Witches, as well as James and The Giant Peach have been the movie adaptations that I've watched most often. You make me realize how much of an impact Mathilda had on me as a kid, when I read it. Cheers for the reminder and yet another awesome review!


James and The Giant Peach

Oh man I remember that! I definitely haven't seen that since I was a child.

Matilda though... This song always fills me with such nostalgia.