Summary of the series invasion ,first season.

in Movies & TV Shows8 months ago

Warning,Spoiler Alert



Hello my friends of HIVE ,Here is the summary of the first season of invasion. The series has several lines that run in parallel, they do not overlap each other, so I will tell them separately. In a small American town, Sheriff John Bell has his last day before retirement. He receives a report of a car theft and the old man heads to the scene of the crime. In the middle of a field, Bell and his partner find a pickup truck and a strange hole, which could not just appear here, and a moment later a cloud of locusts passes by them.At night, the sheriff returns to the field and sees something moving under the ground. Suddenly, a black tentacle stabs him in the back of the head and the man falls dead. At the same time, a translucent flying object passes over New York, Aneesha Malik receives a call from the school her children Luke and Sarah attend. It turns out that, for some unknown reason, all the students are bleeding from the nose, except her son Luke. At the hospital they find no illness and Aneesha returns home to her children and husband Ahmed.

Soon there is an explosion and a strange electromagnetic pulse. Luke begins to experience a terrible headache and reports to his mother that a voice repeats without stopping her. Low word. After the second explosion, communication and electricity disappear. What the heroes decide to leave the destroyed house and seek shelter.Checking into a motel, Luke shows Sarah an unusual object that he found earlier. The next day, Aneesha and Amen argue and stop the car. Suddenly they discover that their son is missing somewhere and go in search of him. They arrive at a cabin in the woods where an elderly couple lives, where they find Luke. The elders allow them to stay with them.



But after a few days the heroes start to run out of food Aneesha goes to look for supplies. She runs into the military and tells them that she is a medical graduate. After which the soldiers take her with them to the medical center. There she discovers a strange black material in people's wounds that reacts to touch. Soon after, the president of the USA makes a statement, he reports that the cause of the destruction around the world was an alien invasion.However, it is not clear what they want and how to contact them ,Aneesha escapes and returns home, but soon they are attacked by an alien. The bullets do not harm it and the woman randomly picks up the black fragment from her son's bag. She then kills the creature with it, and the old men in the whole mess die. The next day they arrive at the shelter.

But after a few days the heroes start to run out of food Aneesha goes to look for supplies. She runs into the military and tells them that she is a medical graduate. After which the soldiers take her with them to the medical center. There she discovers a strange black material in people's wounds that reacts to touch. Soon after, the president of the USA makes a statement, he reports that the cause of the destruction around the world was an alien invasion.However, it is not clear what they want and how to contact them ,Aneesha escapes and returns home, but soon they are attacked by an alien. The bullets do not harm it and the woman randomly picks up the black fragment from her son's bag. She then kills the creature with it, and the old men in the whole mess die. The next day they arrive at the shelter.



When Earth finds out about the accident, they try to find out what happened and involve a special organization, but Mitsuki is suspended because they have discovered her closeness with Hinata. Mitsuki thinks they can't find out everything and steals a pass from her colleague. She deciphers the data and learns two remarkable details. First, Something big crashed into the space station. Second, when she erases the audio, she hears the word bass, uttered by innata at the time of the crash.The superiors reprimand Mitsuki for disobedience and kick her out of the building. She is convinced that Hinata is still alive, even though it makes no sense, after which she goes to Murray, Hinata's father. The man is also a radio engineer and, together with the heroine, tries to find out what kind of audio message was received during the accident . The old man turns up the volume of the background noise and suddenly the sand in his pot forms some kind of pattern. Mitsuki returns to her boss and tells him her speculations.

The man confidently informs her that these are aliens and that she is not the only one who has heard the signal. He then gives her the equipment to conduct her own independent investigation. The heroes infiltrate the satellite station and try to find that signal to establish a. Connection with the aliens. They find it, but Mitsuki realizes that that signal is actually a network of some kind of alien mind-sharing.And that's how they pass information to each other. At that moment, the military arrives. Mitsuki convinces them that she should be the one to lead the investigation. The heroes, led by the military, keep trying to contact the aliens, but all to no avail. Mitsuki decides to send a picture and video of Hinata without permission and, for some reason, gets a response: the word repeated under.



Soon he starts communicating with Hinata, but the military confirms that the voice is synthesized and not real. The superiors believe it is aliens, but Mitsuki is sure it is his girlfriend and even manages to confirm it by talking to her. However, the military still intends to launch a missile attack on where the signal is coming from. In London, a class of schoolchildren goes on a field trip. The local bully bullies a boy named Caspar for having a mentally ill mother and suffering from epileptic seizures. Suddenly, Gaspar has another seizure and at that moment objects start falling from the sky. The driver fails to control and his bus falls down a canyon. All the children are unharmed, but the driver is seriously injured and soon dies. The bully manti believes that Caspar Morrow is to blame for the accident and encourages the others against him in every possible way.

However, a little girl named Camila defends him. The next day, Caspar decides to climb to the top and the children follow his example. On their way out, they find the remains of a Russian satellite, as well as a strange black material. Caspar discovers that he had already drawn something similar in his diary. The children go to London and on the way find a truck with candy.Gaspar and Camila open the driver's door and discover a strange substance that reacts to humans. The kids turn on the radio and realize that some kind of disaster has befallen the world. Soon the teenagers are separated. Some of the kids continue on their way home, while the rest stay here waiting for help. After a while, the heroes meet a woman in a car and she takes them to London, telling them on the way about the alien invasion.



Before the teens separate, the bully apologizes to Caspar for his behavior. The hero, along with Camila, arrives home and discovers that his mother has died at the hands of an alien The hero tells his friend about his visions and voices in his head, as well as that he feels with his whole body the presence of aliens. He then decides to stop taking pills, which all this time have dulled his senses. In Afghanistan, Marine Trevante Cole and his men go in search of a missing squadron. In a village, they come across a school, with a blown-up wall and some children, they point them to an unusual sand pillar.In the desert, the military arrive there and discover an alien object. They open fire on it, but it releases a pulse and all the soldiers, except cole, are killed. One man regains consciousness. He is wounded and has no connection to the base. Soon the hero loses consciousness and almost dies, but is saved by a local resident.

Together they head to the nearest town and Cole receives a signal from his partner. The hero arrives at the local hospital where he finds him. But the man is badly wounded and can't walk. That's when the building is attacked. But it's not just humans. But also aliens. In this chaos, Cole grabs his partner and pulls him out of the building, but he still dies. Afterwards, the hero gets into the car and returns to the base. However, it turns out that everyone has evacuated, as they have been attacked by an unknown enemy. The man calls his wife by satellite phone and informs her that he will soon return home.On the way he meets a local family and thus learns about the existence of a plane heading west. Together they make it as far as ICOLE he gives up his rifle to get on board with his new friends. However, he only makes it as far as London. Soon he meets Caspar and Jamila Huston. The boy tells her that he has the knowledge to stop the aliens so he proves it with drawings he made, long before the aliens appeared.



They arrive at the hospital, where the doctor gives the boy an epileptic seizure. The surprising thing is that the doctor has never seen anything like this before, as it is as if his brain has been synchronized with something. At that moment, the building is attacked by aliens and they start looking for Caspar. Finally, the boy manages to connect with them and stop the attacking monsters. Just then, the military launches a nuclear attack on the alien ship and the ship crashes to the ground and the aliens on the surface come to a complete stop. The boy loses consciousness and does not regain consciousness, and the doctors discover that he has no brain activity. The humans on the planet celebrate their victory over the aliens. Soon scientists infiltrate the crashed ship and see some living organisms. Cole returns to the United States and is told that the aliens tried to terraform the earth and that all the creatures that attacked the people were artificial, i.e. machines.



Aneesha and her children see the news, but decide not to hurry and stay in the abandoned cabin. Where Luke discovers that the shard is active again. Mitsuki tries again to contact Hinata and suddenly gets an answer. Caspar lies dead in the morgue, but wakes up in his bed and realizes that his consciousness is connected to the aliens' shared mind.Meanwhile, people see an alien ship flying over Earth, many times larger than the previous one. This is the end of the first season and grateful to all of you for reading my post, although a bit long, I think necessary. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Directed bySimon Kinberg (Creator), David Weil (Creator), Amanda Marsalis, Jamie Payne, Jakob Verbruggen
Written bySimon Kinberg, David Weil, Andrew Baldwin. History: Gursimran Sandhu
Music byMax Richter
Produced bySimon Kinberg

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