Almost owned half a Bitcoin

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

As I, and many others, steadily power down their stake across the way, the temptation to get at least half way to owning a whole Bitcoin has been growing.

But what am I going to do with .5 BTC?

Well I could buy a new laptop - This one is starting to make funny noises and the power cable no longer sits right. I could cash out to fiat just in case there is no job for me when the Furlough scheme ends. Or I could just sit on the token and wait for something to happen. Naaa...


I don't feel like I've just backed a sure fire winner and this investment is certainly speculative. However, Hive is my(our) new home and I'd like to be a part of the journey, wherever it may lead.

@misterengagement has moved over as well, for the somewhat reasonable cost of 100 HIVE. Anyone who had Steem-Engine tokens should now have the same amount on Thank you very much to @eonwarped for making this possible, half the rewards from this post are coming your way.

I'm still in need of a kind soul to run the bot for the account, and so if you know anyone willing to do this thankless task, thank them and let me know :)

I'd like @misterengagement to start issuing ENGAGE on Hive, and will be looking to delegate some HP to the account, in order to nudge (hopefully) decent comments up the thread, if/when this is automated again.

The bot is still working across the way, but I recommend not buying ENGAGE on Steem-Engine and would prefer it if they were taken off the exchange if possible.

The Engagement League has gotten off to a decent start on Hive, although the numbers are around 20% down on the last post across the way. I'm expecting figures to rise slowly but surely though, and an upwards move in HIVE would likely help.

I spent a few hours in the Hive discord this afternoon, listening to the random chatter and reading the questions and answers from the AMA. Ciara Sun (No relation I think) of Huobi was in the chat, and I think she came across really well.


Ambitious and noble, not bad for starters eh?

... I think I would spend the money and time on positioning HIVE as the better alternative to what is currently offered in the traditional sense.

Marketing? A dig at Steemi? :)

Seems fair to assume that Huobi will be listing HIVE very soon. Will they have the Binance Effect? Well, I did leave a little in liquid, just in case.

Good luck all,



just admit it that my recent tweet made you make this decision:


Couldn't log onto Bittrex fast enough :)

HIVE went up 150 sats 10 mins after I vested - timing :)

You're welcome!

Just another 15% trade missed, but 50% more CR next week :)

should've known to keep more liquids for the day you decide to power up :(


Epic timing as always!

No curation rewards on BTC, sad.

I've interacted with Ciara before she was at Huobi. It's a shame her previous exchange fell by the wayside. But hey, transaction mining seemed kinda sketchy to begin with! She is a smart cookie and I'm glad she ended up at Huobi, where somehow she has become the public face of the exchange. I don't even remember who held that role before, so she is definitely doing a good job!

Definitely. Although the Q&As looks pre-structured, she left a couple of more human type comments in the Discord - polite and funny 👍🏽

Usually a CEO will get a lot of those standard questions pre-written by their team before a Q&A.

Yeah it did look that way for the most part, which is fine. There was a little more personal touch in the Discord.

The listing news did what I expected - still trying to work out why I didn't keep some liquid ready for the the pump! :D

What a crazy pump! It's like old times. 🥳

That's a mad power up, nice one! What are you on now? Octopus (80k)?

Not quite octo, but could reach that with a few more powerdowns if prices stay as they are. Tempting 😁

Should get a power down later today but Hive just went up by 40% and is now above Steem price 😮 think it's to do with the air drop announcement from Huobi?

Doh! Harsh, maybe wait for things to cool off?

Deffo due to Huobi announcement.

Yeah I'm going to wait for the time being so looks like I'll be sitting on 0.5 BTC today. I do have a target of getting to a whole one and then after that going deeper than the Mariana Trench on Hive

That was my plan, executed 10 hours too soon!

Everyone be powering up like crazy.

Then, here's me with less than 12K HP.

Planning on moving STEEM-HIVE?

Some of it. Not going all in right now.

Congratulations for the huge power up!
You are really close to 100k HP!
Keep on working and you will be there really soon. 😉

Thank you!

It is and will likely be my largest ever, so wish me luck :D

Awesome move. This is a critical time in decentralization. Let's make it big!

Hope so, cheers :D

Who needs Bitcoin anyway :D I've tried upvoting on that shit chain but there's not even a button for that to be found.

No upvote button? What's going on there? I've not checked to be honest, ahem, autos :)

Nice power up!
I'm still working on shifting my steem over.

Any new exchange listing is good at this point.

It's a steady process, but I think for most this works well - Early movers were getting much less Hive for their STEEM.

And yeah, can only be good news getting another big listing.

I liquidated all of the Zcash I got from the Ycash fork to get Hive.

Nice :) Well I hope we made a good choice!

Thats a big one :)

Easily my largest!

nice chunk, congrats man.

she seems like a decent lady. maybe we will get some push from this.

and you reminded me, need to get some trading before the announcement :D

Cheers. It's possible there will be a bit of action, not sure which way though as I suspect some are waiting for an alternative to Bittrex to cash out.

looks like we seen current reaction? :D

I was stoked at the prospect of having 0.1 Bitcoin after powering down my Steem lol. I will probably just sit on mine to be honest. Was thinking about getting a phone with it but where can I get a phone online that accepts Bitcoin as payment...

Can’t be that comfy to sit on :)

I just googled your question and found multiple options. Don’t want to link them though in case they are dodgy!

Latest tech...


Classy looking imo :)

It has a certain joie de vivre right? Lol.

With the handle jumping around when a call is incoming, I think so :)

Lol, you know I'm old enough to remember when mobile phones didn't look too dissimilar to this right? When Faith and I were dating as teenagers we spoke a lot on the landline on phones that had round dial thingers. Lol. I must be ancient.

We had a one like the above until I was 7/8/9 too :)

Not old enough to remember these though!


Glad I kept my engagement tokens! I look forward to using them here.

Cheers, me too. Just need a Bot master and we are set.

Well played, atta'boy!
When Moon?

I was hoping you'd been digging for the answer to this and be able to tell me it is soon!?

looks like now?!

Hive  HIVE  price  marketcap  chart  and info   CoinGecko.png

Standard. Took my sell trades down yesterday to power up!

Classic ;)

Yay. Lotus on HIVE too xx

Go go LOTUS 🐛🐲🌱🥒🥦

Still collecting these 🙂

Congratulations, looks like a bunch of other people agree with your analysis.

Personally I'm happier diversifying into BTC/ LTC and ETH for now, but thanks the Power Up, works for me!

I'm happy to hear engage is back, does it work?


Is that even how you call it, it feels like such a long time with all the changes.

Should have waited til the news, did exactly what I expected to the price, doh!

The command isn't working yet, I need a Bot guy :)

Would you have sold some back now if you hadn't have powered it all up?

Who knows what this pump is about anyway, I've now stopped thinking about the price, no good for one's mental health!

Yes, whilst sleeping as I had orders set before cancelling them to power up!

The pump is likely related to the listing on Huobi - tokens generally do this, but they are running a contest for new accounts too I believe.

Nice work...Whilst I'm not quite in your league I've powered up 15,000 in the last couple of weeks. Mostly from the a PD elsewhere with a little BTC thrown in from Exodus. I don't know what it'll mean but what the hell right?

Actually, I am in your league...The Engagement League! Lol.

Steady as she goes - I've been trying a bit of trading these past few weeks. Done OK but should have waited for the news today, doh!

And yes, yes you are. Prizes again this week, I had a small donation from a Whale :)

I've traded a little, I'm not that good at it I guess...Something you need to watch pretty closely I suppose.

I'm trying to get to 50,000...Seems like only a while back I hit 25,000...Mid January I think. I should probably buy some more BTC before hive...I promised myself my next PD will be BTC in a couple days.

Ooo, prizes huh? Not sure how my engagement is this week...Might be a bit lean.

I promised myself the same and went back on it. Next time :)

Yeah, I'm thinking that'll happen. I actually have some low buy-orders in so we'll see how that goes. I really need to buy some BTC though, T-dog will get annoyed at me if I don't. Lol.

Yeah he's told me too, oops :)

He has a habit of doing that, although I guess he has a point. I might listen to him someday.

Congrats. While those on Hive will cheer, please don't completely ignore the blue chips for the sake of diversification. Steem can vanish in a few weeks. Hive shouldn't, but it could too.

Stocks look decent, and I did buy a little last month as a Fund. That's going quite well but Coronavirus looks here to stay a bit longer and so who knows.

Very surprised STEEM is holding up, one guy with deep pockets I assume.

Blue chip crypto I meant. Stocks aren't my cup of tea. Steem is propped up, and I hope it stays that way long enough for people to be able to sell their powered-down stakes for a decent clip.

Ah ok. Will see what I can collect from Steemi and see if I can keep that in the Blue chips.

Hive up 55% today, go figure. Still a win-win, but Murphy's Law on the above. I had about $300 of Hive on the side I reluctantly swapped on the pump since it felt like the right move. I'll earn it back over time. I was trying to learn my lesson to act when there's a huge pop, when I always loyally held the past to miss the play. Trying to turn over a new leaf and take what I can get.

That took some balls! Well done. Followed. <3

It's a big one for me, especially with global finances looking dodgy as. Cheers!

Wow, that's an impressive chunk, Asher! Way to go, and all that stuff... and pretty epic timing, too...

Glad to hear the Engage tokens are going to be part of Hive, as well!

Good timing in that I was selling STEEM for 20/30/40% more than HIVE. Bad in that I had sell orders up to 2600 Satoshi with the 25k I powered up last night - would have been well on the way to 1 BTC this morning!

Well, there ya go a pump right after you go all in. Sometimes it all works out.

Indeed. I did have some sell orders which would have looked pretty on paper this morning had I not cancelled them last night to power up. Oh well :)

Great hive is priceless

Not quite but certainly a lot more expensive than yesterday :)

I hate to be a pain in the ass but I was wondering: When these engagement tokens, beer, drama, whatever, yadda yadda yadda, stuff start getting passed around again, the ensuing spam drives me nuts. I'm wondering if that can be eliminated...

You could ignore @misterengagement et al., which would mean cleaner threads but I'm not sure you could stop receiving the tokens.

It's just the big flashy token advertisements that follow. Sure, I can ignore those messages but the comment section still looks messed up and confusing to others. If those accounts only exist to spam and be eventually be muted, there's no point in sending the spam.

I'd like the comment to be much smaller if we get to that point. The idea, which would need a HIVE delegation, was that calling the account would nudge the engaging comment up the tree - not to spam or make me rich.

I like the tokens! It's fun, a great idea. The spam really bugs me... LOL!

Sorry for putting you on the spot man.

I think it's the sort of thing that should be discussed. Those looking in (without the option to ignore) would be seeing a lot of spammy comments, but I think if we can manage with a single line of text, distributed tokens, and a nudge-vote it might not be so bad.

If the bot was smarter, it could send the message once, which could sit nicely at the bottom of the comment section, then if other tokens are handed out, and the bot detects that message as sent, it wouldn't need to send another one. Maybe it could be smart enough to update the original message with more stats as more tokens get handed out, instead of a new message each time. I realize that might be tough to pull off...

Dude! Awesome! And here I thought it was the huobi listing that caused us to pump. It was just you! Hahaha

I bet you are happy right now, your 1 btc just became 1.5 btc. Keep it in and it’ll become more once we get listed by others

Happy that I was collecting much lower, sad that I cancelled a bunch of sell orders that could have left me with easily over .5 BTC this morning. Well, it's staked now - hello curation rewards boost :D

I quadrupled my account size from the start, I can’t complain. I’ll keep powering up and save about 10% for a few months and give myself a payday when we break $1.....and keep buying the dips and powering up. :-)

$1? That would be rather nice! Keeping some on the side sounds like a plan, good luck!

congratulation for this nice power-up !

today is the power-down on one side, but I will maybe wait (or not !!) with those price to do the switch !

Keep good work and motivation up ✌️