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RE: Little Luxuriously

in LeoFinancelast month

Always enjoy reading your introspective posts.

Money is important, no doubt about it. It does make things easier without doubt. It doesn't guarantee happiness or contentment, but it certainly makes it easier, all things considered.

On the wedding side, could you look to a milestone wedding anniversary and renew your vows with your nearest and dearest?

It wouldn't have to be hugely expensive. Maybe get some kegs or plenty of wine that ye cover and do it at your house and ask every guest to bring one dish as a present to cover food?

However, a lot of the luxury I want isn't in the stuff, but in the sharing of quality time with the people I care about. And yes, that can be done with no money at all, but it is also hard to do it when the pressures of life are constantly bearing down.

This is very true, the things we truly want don't have to cost an arm and a leg and are often about people, relationships, nature, feelings all of which have no price label.