LEO Power Up Day May 2024

in LeoFinancelast month

Hello everyone - it's that day again !

Yes, LEO Power Up Day, where we all power up some LEO to build our stacks, show our confidence in the InLeo project and strengthen it.

I've done my bit and powered up 150 LEO 😀

Image created by AI in NightCafe Studio

So far, my record for LPUD this year is pretty good.... doing 150 LEO or more every month so far.

But what really matters isn't powering up a few dollars worth of LEO every month. That's nice, and helps build passive income.

But the real battle is to keep Hive and InLeo growing. We've all got a part to play, by continuing to create amazing content and lots of it, by bringing new people into the Hive ecosystem, and by investing in it if we are able to (as part of a balanced portfolio, naturally).

From an ideological perspective, we're part of a subtle resistance against attempts by massive monopoly corporates like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and even X to control and monetise our lives, information sources and thoughts. If Google was a country they'd have the 11th biggest GDP in the world, but when was the last time you voted for the president of Google ?

They want us to be nothing but consumers of their approved content, mindlessly following an agenda they spoon-feed us that benefits only the few dozen richest people on the planet. So the independence of places like Hive and Leo are an essential part of avoiding that fate. That doesn't make us terrorists or anything like that. We're just humans who want to keep the right to think for ourselves and express ourselves in our own way.

So long live Hive, long live Leo and let's keep LPUDding ! 😁

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice pump today 💪