This is the month of the birth of Jesus Christ, Let's talk about him . Have you celebrated his birth with love?, happiness, and peace!. Compliment of the season to every one here. What matters?, is not that a child was born to a family, but the real matter is the type of child that was given birth to. Some families are after the specie of the child, not after the destiny he or she is carrying.! But in this case, a child was born to the family of 'Joseph the carpenter and mary his wife' "And befor the birth of this child ?, Joseph and mary has already known, that their child was not odinary,? like every other children that are given birth to in the world. By the leading of the holyghost Jesus came inform of a human but indeed he was a spirit inform of a man, and being a spirit man that was why he was able to win over the challenges of this life and imaged victoriously at the end of the battles over Satan and powers of darkness and that"s the celebration we are enjoying today. At the name of Jesus Christ every knee must bow and every Tonque , must Confess that Christ Jesus is the only Lord.
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