My First LPUD Was Epic, Installing InLeo App and my #LEOgoals

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)
Finally, I decided to start my journey at InLeo and became part of the community. I am now doing my best to become active on the platform and start using it daily. It becomes part of my routine to share my thoughts, and ideas, and connect with people.

I wanted to start joining the community since the beginning, but the front end was just unresponsive before, not until now that it has become interactive and less buggy. I like how the team manages the feedback of its users.

Now, I use InLeo more often than X (formerly Twitter). I learned that joining the community is better than writing on X which may not be worth it because I cannot monetize my content. At InLeo, you can always monetize your work and it has a fewer toxic user. Unlike X it has a lot of spam and bots that will dm you out of nowhere trying to scam you.

As I started to join the community, I wanted to join the Leo Power Up Day (LPUD). I asked the community when is the day to power up some LEO and they responded quickly. I have some 15 HBD in my wallet and decided to buy HIVE so I can trade it into LEO. I also asked the community where they buy LEO and they said at Hive Engine and TribalDEX.
I always use the former, but at the time of buying LEO, it was unresponsive. So I used the latter instead and I finally bought 144 LEO. I staked all of it and…

Wait, I do not have the badge?

I visited the HiveBuzz to check my badge and it shows nothing. I checked the description and it says that I should power up at least 150 LEO tokens. I was not sad, but I just laughed it out because I learned that my first LPUD was epic. It was just a bit embarrassing that I posted on threads that I joined my first LPUD powering up only 144 LEO.
What I love the most about InLeo is the thread. You can share your content, and ideas, and ask questions in short-form content and get a potential reward from it.

It helps me a lot because I can’t write long-form posts now as I less prioritize it due to my workload. So as long as I want to write and connect with people, I can’t. Then the threads come, and I can finally share the summary and my ideas in a short form.

Anyway, I also discovered that you can install the app InLeo so you can access it quickly. I don’t know why but I think it is more responsive than the website. It is not actually an app, but it is just a Web App. From the website, I cannot edit my settings, but in the Web app, I can edit it. I also get fewer bugs using the app.

Overall, I am glad to be part of the community. And since I started to join, I decided to set #LEOgoals. Before this year ends, I want to have at least 1,000 LEO tokens. It might be smaller than other users here but I think I should do it one step at a time. If I can be more active, I think I can achieve this quickly.

I am also planning to subscribe to the premium version if I can save up to 10 HBD this month. It is nice to set goals for both the HIVE and LEO communities. I am optimistic to achieve these goals as soon as possible.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Thanks! I am excited for next month and join again on LPUD, but this time I'll make sure that I can get the badge hahaha.