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in LeoFinance4 months ago (edited)

I just don't see this moving the needle with mainstream voters at all. There's so much for US voters to think about that this will truly get lost in the mix. Sorry man, I just don't think normies will care about this in the slightest.


Well at this point it's quite undeniable that crypto is at least somewhat on the radar of these politicians. Even if it's just Elizabeth Warren being paid to oppose it at every turn no matter what. Or Trump saying he's going to pardon Ross. Or whoever saying they support Bitcoin.

I also didn't make the claim that an issue like this could actually sway an election (yet). People care about issues when those issue affect them, because people are selfish and predictable. By definition the closer we get to mainstream adoption the more these issues will matter to voters.

Sorry when you said this:

The Biden administration is completely cooked. They will not win reelection.

I thought you were saying it was because of this specific issue.
I agree that people will care more once it affects them directly, but I think we're a few years/decades away from that so yeah, I think it's a non-issue for November.

I do think you're wrong... mainly because the GOP are such a mess I legitimately think they'll barely exist in 2025. I actually hope that might be a good thing in the long run, let's get multiple parties in and destroy the 2 party system.

It certainly would be nice to have more parties assuming they all had an actual chance of winning.

As far as Biden admin being cooked I've been saying that since 2021.

This was clear to me within 6 months of them being in power.

I've been saying this for quite some time now.

We are in a very weird volatile period where it feels like the incumbent's advantage is now a disadvantage.
I predict more violent fishtailing.

I definitely agree that the incumbents advantage is now a disadvantage... people desperately want change.

Honestly, I think if Biden was going up against literally anyone else, he'd have absolutely no chance. I legitimately think Haley could have beaten him... but I'm like 90% certain that the GOP will lose so much across the board that we'll see Dems in full control in 2025. The GOP has been captured by religious extremists and, ah, normies aren't into that.

I'm glad we're on the same page about the incumbent thing nobody seems to take it seriously.

Oh, 100%. If there's one thing that everyone in America can agree on is that we all want big change... and that is the one thing that neither political party has any interest in offering.

people desperately want change.

Ironically, El Salvador shows the change people want is to reliable, stable governance, which is best availed despotically, not democratically.

It is notable that Trump and RFK have both been lifelong Democrats. In practice this US Presidential election is a Democratic primary, not a multiple party election at all.

I disagree. A stable government where critics disappear is not what people want. People want an effective government, and I personally think the best way to achieve that is through a multiple party system where compromise is the key to progress and obstructionalists get voted out for being ineffective.

Trump and RFK may have voted Democrat in the past, but the policies they propose now are not in line with the current Democrat party. RFK exists solely to siphon votes away from Biden and Trump has corrupted the GOP so that it no longer stands for mainstream conservative values.

[Comment reported to Bukelehub for 112 social credit points/4% discount on BTC donation passport]

We agree on a lot of stuff, and I sure am not eager for despotism. I think that some normies are, though, and as things get worse more of them will. I think that's the reason things are being made worse deliberately. In multiple jurisdictions in the USA prosecutors are declining to prosecute a variety of larcenous crimes that directly impact normal folks. This is done to force them to crave order.

Violence works. That's why people resort to it.

RFK isn’t going to take more votes from Biden. He’s there to raid votes from Trump 💯

It will move dial. Because for a thousands, yes not millions. But thousands it is the only issues. Many of those vote third party or don’t vote. The election will be ultra close in multiple states. 10K votes in Arizona and 7K in Michigan can be the factor that decides it.

I absolutely agree that the margins are super slim between the two parties and hundreds or thousands of voters could decide the difference in key battleground regions... I'm just not sure there are enough swing-voters left in battleground states to make a difference anymore. My hunch is that at this point, it's all about which side can motivate their base to get to the polling booths, and I'm not sure this particular issue is more motivating than other, more clear issues... but I guess we'll see... it's really hard to get clear data on what specifically motivates voters.

I see it discussed as a major issue often.

Sure, in your circles it might be discussed often. I'm saying that for vast majority of voters in the US, this issue is not at all as important as many of the issues on the table for the US Presidential election. I'd guess that the vast majority of voters in the US don't even realize this veto is even happening.

Or maybe it’s more common and just not in your circles 🤷🏼‍♂️

I see it evetywhere. Thousands of libertarians who never voted Republican or democrat past decade now voting Trump over this. All over podcasts and YouTube you can find. Huge movement

Thousands of people spread across the USA?

154.6 million people voted in the US Presidential Election in 2020. I could very well be wrong, but I'm not convinced this particular issue will move the needle at all.

The last election was lost by 9K in one state, 15K in one state and 6K in one state. That is approximately 30K vote difference. Tens of thousands of libertarians in a few states easily can effect outcome.and now with Florida and Texas having more delegates since 2020 census . Trump can win with only having two of the swing states he lost. It’s very easy for libertarians to effect this

Sure... but do the libertarians who care enough about this to vote have the numbers in those particular battleground states? Can they also outnumber the new people in Florida and Texas who are upset about Abortion Rights or any number of other issues?

I don't think it's numerically impossible for libertarians to rise up and vote for Trump on this one particular issue, but I think it's extremely unlikely, especially since Trump favors an expansion of government, a reduction in rights and was boo'd so dramatically at the Libertarian convention.

The literal head of the libertarian party just almost literally endorsed Trump. It sounds like u aren’t in libertarian circles to know most hate the libertarian nominee. I’ll send u video from the literal chair of the party……
And this was about mostly other issues not this bitcoin one. Trump is gonna get a lot of libertarian votes. The libertarian usually gets 3% or total vote, or will be 2% at most this time. That 1% spread over close swing states makes a much impact. Quote me on it.

(Skip to 20 minute mark if not interested in all)

It’s worth watching.

Florida is more red now than in 2020. It’s a lock for republicans