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RE: Sunday Thoughts

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I have chosen to abstain from the help a cub vote. I believe that there should be a recipient people applied, they may not have understood the rules, and those mis-understandings could have been better handled than how they were on the vote post.

Even though I have been on Hive/Steem for over 3 years, I am still new to crypto and really do not understand it much. I do hope that tokens like LBI and SPI and a few others allow those with little understanding an opportunity to invest, much like how mutual funds allowed non stock market people to invest in the stock market without risking everything on a one shot wonder.

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I have chosen to abstain from the help a cub vote. I believe that there should be a recipient people applied, they may not have understood the rules, and those mis-understandings could have been better handled than how they were on the vote post.

I highlight this for @taskmaster4450le and @silverstackeruk. And thank you for your reply!

I can relate to you with not understanding much about crypto. The same applied to me until I started to do my own research because I felt I was missing a lot, and needed more knowledge to make actual profits. And I can only say that I'm glad I invested the time, and keep investing the time to learn. My profits are growing, and I feel I understand much more. It has been a journey and sometimes a tough one, but also interesting and very much worth it to invest my time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you should definitely scan the feed in LeoFinance and read some articles. There are a lot of people here who have a good understanding of crypto in general, not just the Hive universe. There are articles and posts daily that tie in the cryptosphere outside of Hive and Leo and allow people the chance to learn and ask questions before risking their capital. Plus, by asking good questions, you'll actually get some votes and earn some tokens along the way. Pretty much a no-brainer when it comes right down to it. You can also check out LeoMarketTalk, now a twice daily informal "chat" happening on the LeoFinance front-end. It's a really good place to learn and get your name out there. Plus, again, you will get some votes and earn some tokens along the way to help you continue to grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta