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RE: The Stretching Rewards Pool

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I made my Black Friday Buy, and am now at 9,000 HP Plus. A big milestone for me 4 and a half years of voting, commenting and sometimes posting. The results:

one dollar plus.png

A $1.20 plus vote, (for today anyways). I remember back in Feb 2018, I was so happy my account value went to $2,00 SP, and I had a full two cent vote, that for just a short time went to ten cents and the biggest vote I ever had back then was a one day $0.16 cent vote. Happy times back then.

Of course the big vote, (big for me) did not last long, maybe a week, but it was just extra fun when I had that. Steem/Hive except for the transitional time, has been pretty fun for me. I know my vote value will fluctuate, but it really does feel good to be able to give my followers, and those I follow a much better reward than in the past.

Some will be added in to my slowly growing list of Hive friends, and other list that I have. Connections is what has made Hive so much fun and rewarding for me.


This is where I'm at now - if I was at full power I would have my first ten cent upvote 🙌🙌🙌 It really does feel great ❤️

It takes time to build, and having the hard Fork to Hive helped me really get off the ground. but by simply powering almost everything up, It is fun when you hit that milestone of a ten cent vote. I loved all the vote value rises. two cents, big big happy time there no more dust level vote. then five cents, and ten cents then a two cent vote at 50% vote power I could vote on twice as many people with a non dust vote.

Keep the powering up going and the vote value grows and the return value also.

That's exactly what I've been doing, and so far it's been working really well :) I'm loving Hive!


It feels good, doesn't it? What is going to be interesting is when all the other mechanisms kick in, as 50M people are here. 10K HP will be more than 99.9% of people and wield some power.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I find it hard to believe I am at rank 1177 of Hive holders, and need to hold less than 12,000 to be in the top 1000 HP holders of Hive. New Whale in the making? Not sure yet, but it sure is fun being able to have value when voting. Now I just need to be careful of voting and not get to a point I need to auto vote stuff, even though I sort of do, just not enough time to look at everything.