
There are many things in life that money cannot buy, such as love, happiness, good health, and meaningful relationships

How far can you go to get money?

I will work tirelessly to get money but I will never get involved in any evil act just to make my.

Most people don't actually care what job it is, as long as it's paying, they are all for it. It's good to uphold our morals even while hustling.

Money may not be everything but it solves 90% of the problems.

money can not buy happiness, but it can rent it.

It can never buy happiness 😭 like you said it can rent it for a while.

👍 👍 👍

Money is very important oooo, even God told us in the Bible that, " Money answers all things" think it up.

money doesn't answer everything, the Bible say that money is for protection and currently you will see that even when you have Soo much money it doesn't grant happiness

My emphasis is that money is important in people's lives, it can't answer every thing and may not give all happiness.

Men are in phases and life is in levels.