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RE: Feeless Transactions Called Into Question: Hive As A Social Media Network

in LeoFinance11 months ago

The utilization of the resource credits for enabling fast and feeless transactions sets Hive apart from other blockchains. While the cost of running the network may increase with more transactions, the scalability potential and ongoing optimizations, simply allows for Hive to operate as a cost-efficient social media network.


That is what is always comes down to.

More transactions are going to increase cost. However, technological developments and improvements to the system can offset that.

The question which is going faster? It tends to be a game of cat and mouse. As more improvements are made, cost per tx can decrease since overall capability expands with prices staying relative the same.

But massive expansion outpaces development or technology.

As I stated, all in the digital world are dealing with it. Data and activity tied to it are not decreasing. So how do we handle it all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha