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RE: Pickin' and Choosin'

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I absolutely love Seth Godin, I save every blog post (it started out because I was certain that his blog would go to a 'for profit' situation and wanted to keep them forever. I have over 10 years worth) I read the whole weeks worth every Sunday.

Keeping current with what's going on is with out question the very best way to make good decisions.

Thanks for the great comment. Always appreciate it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Seth Godin rocks, no fluff!

Finding a couple of people to follow always good, I feel more comfortable understanding their terminology and reasoning. Definitely keeping an eye on a few projects, some from many years ago, only beginning to find their feet now.

Have an awesome day!

I am watching Jon Olsen's CTP project from a distance. I was once a part of his project and still consider him a friend. I am not involved in any way, but I genuinely hope he makes me say "Damn. If only I'd have gotten into the CTP deal when Jon asked me."

I have a couple of other things I pay attention to also. But for now, I am basically all hive all the time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Other than Hive and obviously BTC, I have watched HLIX @hlix which is not starting to show signs of growing.

Right from start invested, watch/wait patiently knowing developer @nathansenn is trustworthy keeping to his word. Much like Steem/Hive move this coin too had bumps in the road.

If it goes too smooth with a new coin I worry about a scam. I've seen a couple of those, fortunately without too much money lost...

I'm going to look into hlix. Might could be I learn something new.