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RE: The Hive Engagement League πŸ†

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 years ago

Well, you did it!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ So, I hope you're feeling proud about yourself 😍 I've been struggling to this week. I even posted ttt one day late πŸ˜… Oh well, I'm glad I joined the fun anyways hehe

You are doing great, you always make the most wonderful thought-out comments Daisy.

Oh thank you so much! That really means a lot to me 😊😊 I was just having a discussion on this post from @shadowspub because I was worried I might be unconsciously doing some comment spamming without fully reading the post carefully in order to do a meaninful contribution. So your feedback just came in the right time to give me a boost of confidence 😁

I hope you're having an amazing week so far ❀️

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Oh trust me you really a star when it comes to commenting!
Ah this ttt post, yes I did it, BUT I posted a day late too haha so don't sweat it.
Oh did you do the Pimp Your Post Thing with shadowspub? I keep seeing that but am always too late, I really should try and do it one day.

I am so late on Hive every day this week, I have not even got reviewing the ttt posts jaja
I think we all sometimes comment without fully reading the post.

Thank you thank you 😁 We are on the same train this week again! I've been crazy busy offline. I already joined PYPT a few times yes but now I've been working until 8pm most of the week and I'm never home on time to join 😭😭😭😭 But you should try it out! It's super fun and everyone is very welcoming 😍

I think we all sometimes comment without fully reading the post.

You're right! I just want to keep myself in check to not turning it into a habit 😊

Yes, it seems to be not a good time for me, but now I remember why I never did it. I shall try to make time for it though. Ah, not fun working so late is it!

Yes you are right about not making it a habit. I was looking at some of the PUD post comments, and they were just copy and paste without even reading the posts! Haha why bother commenting, that is the same as "nice post" etc
hehe time for coffee, have a good one Daisy, and I will get to your ttt tonight:)

Let me know if you liked it in case you manage to go there? heheh

Ah, not fun working so late is it!

I did many late hours in the beggining of my carrer. I didn't not miss that part πŸ˜† But at least now I'm working part-time exclusively in pediatrics wich is a much more motivating field for me 😍 I love kids!

I was looking at some of the PUD post comments, and they were just copy and paste without even reading the posts! Haha why bother commenting, that is the same as "nice post" etc

Yeah, it's not nice at all and it doesn't add anything valuable...

I have to stop by in your #ttt too! It's already bookmarked hehhe I'll get there eventually!