in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

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I recorded this short video ... my first ever video log ... for the "How has Crypto and Blockchain Technology Impacted your Personal Finance?" before realizing that it was a 7-day initiative, and those seven days are gone. But ok, if the initiative has expired the topic isn't ... so here is this silly video of mine ... and remember - this is not a financial advice ... nor it looks like one ...

▶️ 3Speak


How can I reward you for giving me such entertainment? I called my husband in and he laughed also. It is the most wonderful video. I am still smiling and will share this with my son. Also, this answer was too precious:

because I spend most of my time with insects, mushrooms and similar stuff.

Thank you!

Hey great video I love it. On a serious note, would you, could, can you are you able, do you want to doing a video about merchants in your area. Maybe any that are considering accepting crypto for payment.

Aloha from Hawaii, Richard

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I had a plan regarding such issues, but some things didn't work out for me, they just didn't, but I'm not giving up on anything.

Thanks. :) Yes, one day, after more video - practice, when I'll be feeling more comfortable in front of the camera ... and if I'll come in direct contact with some merchants here - yes, is possible. But I need time, this is only my first short video to break the ice ... and currently I have no contacts (not at this business talk level) with merchants and businesses because I spend most of my time with insects, mushrooms and similar stuff.

That's how a selfie speaker lived ... let's see what these teachers insects, insects, fungi and other macro worlds have learned ;))

The video plays very well, the constant change of your head ornaments makes me more concentrated, listening and looking, the toilet paper makes me laugh, well others too ha ha ha, I liked the video :)


I want others to see it, I don't have many followers yet but your video is worth it

Thanks :) It's my first ever video of this kind ... it's short, but it was hard & exhausting to say those few sentences out loud in English :D

Dude this is gold, you are so funny :D I enjoyed it so much :D

:D Glad that this entertained you. Hope that now when the ice is broken I would do more video stuff ... with more stuff on my head :)

A man who wears many hats, a jack of all (blockchain) trades... 🤣

Nice hat, bro!)

:D Thank you ... too kind :)