The Easiest Way To Earn Hive & Lots Of It? (LeoFinance!!!!)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

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If you're feeling a little down because you feel like you missed out on the Hive accumulation. (Like Me). And, you've been selling your Hive to fund your crazy crypto pipe dreams. (Like Me). Then Relax, and earn some Hive.

I think people forget how easy it is to earn Hive by devoting a little time and attention to Leofinance. I learned a long time ago that If I wanted to earn Hive then forget about Hive.

Yep, that is the secret to earning Hive and lots of it! I think people forget that.

I was in the Leo discord a day or so back when I saw a curious message about whether an post would show up on your Leofinance and my head exploded. Ecency? Why would someone use as a gateway to Leofinance?

Well, I guess it sounds like a decent plan if you are new to the community so I want to make it very clear. If you want to earn hive then make sure when you post a Leofinance worthy post to the blockchain then you better do it directly on

Why, Post Directly onto

Because of something called leo.voter. When you post directly on Leofince as your gateway to hive, then every once in a while the Leo.voter account will vote your post up on Hive. That means that Leo.Voter uses its Hive Power to vote your post on Hive and you earn, you guessed it, Hive. Not just a little Hive, but a lottle Hive!

In fact, most of the Hive I've earned over the last few years comes directly from using Leofinance. We all know the Leofinance community is the most active on the chain except for the recent surge in Splinterlands related activity so it stands to reason that it is where you will get the most support.

I often lament about investing so much of my hive in Leo and even Cub but then I remember that the Leofinance community actually funds all my crypto moves. It's pretty much found money and I owe it all to Leofinance.

Leo.voter is the best thing going on the base layer of hive when it comes to monetizing your thoughts through blogging.

Each and every one of us can easily earn $500 to $1000 in December with zero financial investment by simply spending a little time and effort catering to the Leofinance community.

I'm not challenging you but I really am. Let's do this!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We all know the Leofinance community is the most active on the chain except for the recent surge in Splinterlands related activity so it stands to reason that it is where you will get the most support.

I feel LeoFinance has the potential to become big as Splinterlands in few years time

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a bold statement and I will not hold it against you if you are correct.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would love to see that. I'm not sure how we get there but it is a lofty goal worth pursuing.

Well I post more on LeoFinance due to the tax on LEO tokens rather than the leo.voter chances. However I do agree that it is a fairly good way to get some HIVE if you do get a vote. I think you just naturally gain HIVE over time just by creating content and each community has different content they like more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a byproduct I think. Focusing upon LEO is the prime objective but HIVE does often come along with it.

For example, each of my comment upvotes is set so that a bit of HIVE is earned. It helps to spread things out a bit more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For example, each of my comment upvotes is set so that a bit of HIVE is earned. It helps to spread things out a bit more.

How is this setting done, sir?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It sounds good. I will take this into consideration for my future posts.

Leo.voter is indeed really rewarding a lot. Getting almost $4 just for a little comment is really a lot !PIZZA

I've never gotten a comment vote. That's cool!!!!

I got it once, that was great ! Maybe this is more likely to happen on comments on big pages like on taskmaster's, lbi's or leomarkettalk's posts

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll keep my eye out. But @leo.voter is pretty awesome no matter where you get the vote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yep, that's for sure !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think people forget how easy it is to earn Hive by devoting a little time and attention to Leofinance. I learned a long time ago that If I wanted to earn Hive then forget about Hive.

Forget about trying to earn and focus on actually doing something useful on chain. Like posting to leo. Lots of people complain about not being rewarded but don't put in the time or effort to do so.

Activity will equal reward over time and the leo.voter adds a nice bump every once in a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I get you on that one.
Thanks for spilling the beans.
#Leofinance is the incoming gateway for the community.
We need more than Leofinance though but we will start with them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I actually got tipped today by the Leo.voter :) The Hive blockchain is truly so full of opportunity! It's the best platform hands down!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you dedicate your time to get Hive for a month, once you turn it to your normal Job for one month. You must see the results.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Was going to do this until I read your challenge,not a challenge.Thus I decided to also let's do this

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

I think people forget how easy it is to earn Hive by devoting a little time and attention to Leofinance. I learned a long time ago that If I wanted to earn Hive then forget about Hive.

Very interesting view and one I agree with. I do believe that, over time, as the tribes/applications bring their own users in, the focus upon HIVE will be secondary.

The key is to keep growing things. You are correct in your assessment that using (or the mobile app) will enhance one's returns.

There are many ways to earn on Hive and you pointed out one of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Isn't LeoFinance mostly about posting about crypto and well finance? I post a ton of photography and about my video work and drones and such. Is there a place on Leo Finance for that sort of content?

I have posted many times in Leo finance but have never earned any hive from it afaik. What am I doing wrong?


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
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