
I couldn't believe im gonna enjoy so much a post on Hive. Especially from a guy from the other side of the world. Greetings from Greece my friend! Keep this raw style on your post! I love it

Lol glad you found if enjoyable, I am no PG blogger, I let rip, and call shit out and wait to be schooled by others, im always happy to learn.

Hope all is well in Greece, even if Mitsotakis is trying his best to run the country into the ground

Trust me pal, he is a duche! Dont believe what mass media says! He is dumb so he easily controlled

The only difference is the staff at the Durban only get 10% of the wages the Swedes get.

Crypto doesn't discriminate against anyone and I'm proud to be a citizen of the internet

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto absolutely discriminates against people, no crypto was created without a premine giving a select few an exorbitant privilege that can never be usurped, and all proof of stake systems are designed to outright benefit others, if you don't see how it is just like fiat system, then I have a bridge to sell you

I see your point.

Virtual countries that we're creating with crypto that is open to anyone access to financial and economical freedom that encourages innovations and contributions. Innovations mean lots of failed experiments to discover a system that is better than our current Fiat system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there I can agree with you, people have choice, they are free to pick what they want and that I can respect, be it a stablecoin, a shitcoin or bitcoin, however you want to use your money you free to do so, and take the risks you feel are worth it for you

great article. the current business practices by top corps and governments show the true extent of their evil intentions.

I wouldn't put it down to simply evil, there's a lot of inertia too, people don't know they participating in an unjust system, they're just useful idiots going to work every day not knowing how things work

yes for sure, but those at the top seem to be evil if I judge them by their actions. the question is why they are doing it and what are they hiding.

They're only playing the game with the incentives in front of them, we are all playing the same game, to try and accumulate claims on resources for future use, just like for you and me we feel we don't have enough, they do too, as silly as it sounds. Humans can easily adjust to anyting

If tomorrow you are a millionaire, it wont take you more than a year to feel like you not satisfied and want more, its people who use money to fill voids in themselves as not to admit that they are a burden on society

in general, I agree with you, but the real controllers of our realm have all the money and wealth they want, which doesn't explain their actions.

Well im not one of them unfortunately, just a lowly pleb, you'll have to ask them directly and let us all know what they say lol

same here! 😅

What actually put me on to this topic was the fact that in my native country of South Africa, there is a Volvo factory, that does the same work as the one in Gotenburg. The only difference is the staff at the Durban only get 10% of the wages the Swedes get.

Dear @chekohler, Do you condemn the fact that Sweden exploits South Africans for low wages?
I don't know about the Nordic socialist heaven model that Sweden claims.

I am not here to tell people what to do with their time, and how to sell their labour, all im saying is the bullshit virtue signaling they make in Scandinavian countries is built on sand, they will larp and say oh look we closing the gender pay gap, but use location arbitrage. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy at play.

These things are never a 1 way street, it's usually in this case South Africans selling out their own country too and exploiting their fellow citizens

Dear @chekohler , As an East Asian, I don't know about the Nordic socialist heaven model. However, I guess you have condemned Sweden's low-wage exploitation of people from developing countries abroad.

So what do you think is a better alternative to the Nordic model?😦

I don't know what the best model is, everyone wants different things. All I want is capitalism backed by incorruptible money

I don't know what the best model is, everyone wants different things. All I want is capitalism backed by incorruptible money

@chekohler , In the East Asian world where I live, all manufacturing industries are already collapsing because of Chinese products.
Capitalism without manufacturing and factories is impossible.

From my point of view, East Asia is already returning to the era of feudalism dominated by the Chinese economy.

How is the situation in South Africa?

I completely agree with you, China is massively competitive, but it's because they're creating an unnatural peg to the dollar to keep their currency low to continue to be competitive. If we are all using the same money IE bitcoin, that bullshit goes away

We still have a manufacturing base and agriculture, but we are dumb enough to think service-based economies are the way to go like developed nations and it's going to bite us in the arse.

We've also obliterated our energy production, so not going well, we'll default on our debt soon enough

I completely agree with you, China is massively competitive, but it's because they're creating an unnatural peg to the dollar to keep their currency low to continue to be competitive. If we are all using the same money IE bitcoin, that bullshit goes away

Currently, East Asian countries, including China, are suppressing cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, by promoting them as dangerous speculative products.
The world I live in is monitoring individual transactions, accounts, text messages, and currencies.

We still have a manufacturing base and agriculture, but we are dumb enough to think service-based economies are the way to go like developed nations and it's going to bite us in the arse.

In the state where I live, manufacturing is already collapsing because of Chinese products. So, the state gives up manufacturing and shifts to a service industry-based economy, with disastrous results.
Currently, about half of the younger generation are temporarily or unemployed.
So, They depend on unemployment benefits from the state.

We've also obliterated our energy production, so not going well, we'll default on our debt soon enough

Still, South Africa has oil. The country I live in is a more difficult situation because energy resources, including oil, are not produced.😅