Stuff i want plan out

in LeoFinance4 months ago

One of my primary things i should do is working on building a Payment Gateway system that can be used for many projects in NodeJS that can Accept Coinbase, Stripe, Hive, Hbd, STEEM, BLURT and many more from Paypal and etc.

Github is on

but only that annoys me that i dont get enough support keep my project lasted for keep it active to @alloyxuast and many my friends did joined Hive and they keep loosing access old Accounts to end up as i cant do nothing about it or i been getting lack support get AlloyXuast push up Witness Lists including myself too.

but i havent been active much because been busy working on Selfhost GPT Server that make Text to GPT, Text to Image, and few more but so much i would plan this but only one issue is my server not very strong enough run itself and doesnt even have GPU so running over my friends house.

but other that we do have a PalWorld Server Runnign for USA and United Kingdom and lot upcomign as Minecraft server and maybe if we lucky ARK Elvolved and Rust and somethign big that hard run.

other that @alloyxuast was big key for me sicne im mainly founder / leader of community and so much stress i getting since only me and @shmoogleosukami is workign on stuff and managed got @lunamusic aka Doughnut help us out so only 3 man Developers in projects.

just hopely we can expand community more and lot plenty plans got Gamers out there and tools for Streamers too.

other that should keep up to date on my, @shmoogleosukami and @alloyxuast account for any updates for any DAPPS getting made round Hive / Off-chain Hive and hope i will post once again.

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