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RE: I want more LEO ... so decided to powerdown

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I'd be careful. I sent tons of money over there and they jacked half of it through their exchange when I cashed out. I sold 4K worth of coins that I had staked in the various defi dens, and they only gave me 2K, so 50% haircut on exit. It was unacceptable. They say your balance is higher that it really is because what they actually pay you is less. It's some kind of scam, I learned by testing it out. No one here will admit, but their high gains cone from ripping other accounts off. Good luck, once u send it there, I doubt u see it all again. Haha. Up to you, I guess if you slowly milk the interest it will be work over a long period, just don't try to transfer it all at once, or their order matching system will eat a huge chunk out of your money.
Maybe I am just a specula case, since they always jack my LEO and muted me from the platform, so I think they programmed special code for me. Either way I would never use it again. I'm worried that one day a genius gonna hack it anyway.

If you wanna make more LEO, you should just sell it and buy POB instead and then just sell the POB later for 100X the LEO!


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