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RE: Another Dark Day In Africa

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Never heard pf those types of light bulbs. Is there a particular brand and are they more expensive than normal light bulbs? This could be a potential opportunity as the majority are using candles.
Just Googled and they are here, but way more expensive than the normal bulbs. If they were of similar price then people would buy them.

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It's nighttime here now, but I'll investigate tomorrow and see if I can find some brand names. They are the norm now in Cambodia because most people can't afford battery backups or generators, and when we purchase them, it's only an extra buck or two versus normal light bulbs.

When the batteries, burn out, the light bulbs still work as normal when the power is on. As would be expected, they are cheap Chinese things, so they break in all sorts of unpredictable ways, but still it's nice to not plunge into immediate darkness during a power cut because of having these simple but smart light bulbs.

Well, since the family is sleeping, here is a screenshot of a fancier GE version complete with a flashlight style switch. I have also see cheap Chinese versions like this where you there is a button and you can basically unscrew your bulb and take it with you as you would a flashlight, gotta get some of these if I see em' again.