Learn to Plan to make Your future happen.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

How do you plan to make your future happen? What do you want for the future? I watched one funny clip where someone was asked the other person - "How are you planning for your future?" The guy replied: "Money". He asked another question- "How do you see yourself in 5 years?" He replied again: "Money". The question is how the hell are you gonna make the money?

I read a book by Robert Kiyosaki. He said he drove a nice car to a mall and a lady shouted - "Wow! This is my dream car". Then Robert replied - "That is nice, how do you plan to buy it". The lady said - "I don't know".

Not everyone gets lucky to make it. Luck works but according to the popular quote, the more you work the luckier you get. Nothing moves until you move. I listen to someone testimony about how he has been pushing for a scholarship for year and he applied to over 1,000 schools in the United States and one worked for him. The more you try the better result you will get.

It is good to make plans and set achievable goals. Then you mark your script per term, depending on the time you set to achieve whatever you want to achieve. I checked my script for 2021, and I covered more for the future I seek in 10 years. Financial stability is all I crave and I am driving there.

As you plan for your future, you need to act towards it. And acting towards it is knowing the part to follow, doing more of things that work, copying other successful people and applying disciplines. Distractions will come but set your mind right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Nice piece bro!