Starting a small business: Top things to know

in LeoFinancelast year


Choosing a small business can be a challenge especially when it seems like there are so many business ideas here and there. But one thing that is important to ask yourself is whether you will make money from it?.

Starting any business no matter how big or small comes with its own huddles and requires a lot of hard work, patience, commitment and risk management. Before starting that small business, you need to be prepared mentally and emotionally.

You should not just rush into a business because you are eager to make money. There are things you should consider. These things includes:

Making the right decision:

Taking a decision is the first step in starting a small business. You need to know what exactly you want to go into and how you intend to start too. Before you even start a business you need to think about your skills and see how you can infuse it into the business you want to start.

You need to ask yourself important questions like who your target audience are? What are you selling to them? How do you intend to advertise to them? How much profit do you intend to make? What is your plan B? What is the risk involved in this business and can you manage it if it comes?

It is very important to talk about these things and make a decision first before venturing into the business. Understand that starting a business even though it is called a small business may come with bigger challenges too. So are you prepared for the challenges when they come?

Conduct a proper research:

Before you do anything that involves putting in your money and time, a proper research is necessary. It is another important step to take if you want to reach your goal.

Know your target audience properly, understand the language of your competitors, get proper knowledge on the in and out of the desired business.

You need to research on ways to make your business outstanding and bring people to patronize you. You are not the only one that will offer such services.

There are people before you that have started and there will be more people to start the same business. So you need to research and gather enough knowledge on how to remain valuable in the market.

Get insights on how to appeal to the emotions of your audience because a satisfied customer will bring you more sales. You need to have in depth knowledge of your business and the environment first before starting.


You need to know how much money that is needed to start up. This depends on how you are starting. Are you renting a shop or working from home? If you are renting a shop, think of the amount and how much money you will need to set up the place.

If you are working from home, think of ways to advertise your business online since you won't have a walk in shop.

How much goods are you going to start with? How much will bring the goods to you(transportation)? Once you have thought about these things, the next thing will be how to get the funds.

Are you saving for it or you want of get a loan. If you are getting a loan, how long do you intend to pay back? Where do you intend to get the money to repay the loan and if it is from the sales from the business, what's the percentage that you will allocate for repayment?

You need to know what you will need to get financially started.

Choose a your Business Name:

So you have steps 1-3 all figured out. The next thing is to choose a business name. Of course your business is going to get a name right? This may sound easy but trust me, it can be hard if you want to get a good business name.

Before you choose a business name, you need to understand that you need your business to have a name that is creative and quite simple for people to pronounce. You don't want your customers to have a problem trying to be familiar with your business name.

Another thing to consider when choosing a business name is to ensure that you find a name that is not used by other businesses who may even be doing the same thing as you do. Choose a name that stands with the niche of your business too.

Look for a name that will appeal with your audience. Something catchy and sweet that will be on your customers lips.

Register your Business

Not many people understand the need to have a paperwork done for their businesses. It is important to register your business as it will give you a solid edge over businesses that may spring up in the future.

For small businesses you may not find it necessary to register the business but ensure you register your business name. It is important as it safeguards your business name too.

Have a Business Plan:

Writing your business plans helps you set your goals right. When you draft out a plan for your business, it helps helps you navigate through your objectives and the goals of your business. This way, you stay in track of your business as this plan will include budgeting, target, your business mission and vision, and business strategy.

This plan is a general know how of how your business will operate. In as much as it is the fingerprint of the business, you can always go back to it to adjust if need be.

Dedicate a Bank Account Solely to your Business:

This is where some businesses fail. They use their personal account as their business account. Thus, ending up spending the money meant for their businesses for their own personal use and vice versa.

Keep your personal account for your own use and keep your business account solely for your business transaction. If you do this, you will realize at the end of the day that you can keep record of whatever financial transaction that happens in your business.

Market your Business:

This is where the real work starts. Don't ever get tired of showcasing your business. Wherever you are, ensure you tell people around you about your own business. You can do this by word of mouth, use of your social media pages, advertising, and even creating fliers too.

Have a separate social media account for your business page. Do ads on the page and always refer people to the page too. Post reviews on your pages and never get tired of selling your business to the world.


Starting a small business may look like a lot of work. With these steps stated here, you sure can have a good startup. Note that successful businesses started with the right mindset, planning and conscious effort.

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Starting small is the beginning of great companies today, never despise a little beginning. The fact that you recognize it can contribute to busting the economy of the country

Every great business started small. Recognizing that it is just a foundation to a greater path is a step closer to being successful.

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