Decision Quality Builds Result Quality

in LeoFinance5 months ago

I have been ranting a lot on how to improve the past decisions last few weeks. Some of the decisions were simply not easy to reverse and even improve. The reason being the time and the scenario of that generation was too much hold on me and the circumstances around me. Which lead to some of the really bad outcomes.

In order to improve the results that we get, we have to improve the variables. Like say you improve your first decision, iteration of that first decision and then game continues till your decision improves. Which means you have to keep working as much as time allows you to do so.

Decisions are Complex

If you are one of those who builds their decision based on what it can do long term and short term. You are thinking in a ways that would make things more complex. And that gives returns which involves less emotions and more logic. And logic always kills relationship. Which in turn hurt the logic later when you need people.

So decisions are complex. No decision is too easy. What you eat, when you sleep and how much you exercise, all of those decisions have some sort of the complexity attached to them. You have to weigh in all the possible scenarios most of the time in near future that would build your decision.

External variables hurt the Decisions

Parents, friends, people who work for you and you work for, all of them hurt the decisions. And it turns out all of those signals end up hurting your decisions. In the early age you would find that such type of the decisions have a strong impact on you and it can make the life easy or worst for you. Which is what hurts the decision the most.

More variables you add the more you get hurt. And the decisions that get skewed are even more going to hurt in the long term. I have had issues with the decisions which had the burden of the people around me. The responsibility that has hurt me the most was even more worst making the impact and that ended up causing the issues.

Takeaway of the thought:

  1. Your relationship, place, money and other variables hurt your decision building.
  2. Results also get influenced with the choices you pick up on.
  3. Some people leech on you which has the highest damage on quality.
  4. Circumstances make the decision and outcome quality worst.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Everything you said we should take away while making decisions are vital so I don’t really understand the message you are trying to pass down.
One must consider his or her circumstance before making a decision.
Place and money are the most vital of them all too