
2/ Sanchez has won third term as prime minister despite his Socialist Party having less seats than right-centre PP party at 2023 election, and his governing majority is held by coalition with leftist Podemos parties and Catalan separatists.

3/ After his wife became investigated, Sanchez announced that he would "seriously consider" resignation over the weekend. Socialist Party supporters told him to stay during mass street demonstrations.

4/ Sanchez's decision to stay is understandable, since his resignation would almost certainly lead to new election and great likelihood of PP forming new government.

5/ The corruption affair was publicised shortly after Sanchez, unlike most Western leaders, announced plan to recognise Palestinian statehood, as well as initial refusal to hand over Spain's Patriot missiles to Ukraine.

6/ Sanchez is likely to stay in office at least until European Parliament elections on June 9th, that might give better answer what Spaniards truly think about the whole issue.