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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Congratulations to everyone involved in the Hive Engagement League! You are all winners!

A special round of applause and lots of Woo-Hoos to @brittandjosie, who is our #1 first-place winner this week! Well done, girl!!! @dreemsteem, Hello? Congratulations to you!! That is awesome! and @jfang003, it just wouldn't be the league without you.

It is always fun to see how these numbers stack up and I think there is always a surprise stuck in there!

Lucky #9 this week is @melinda010100 (AGAIN!!) It is my pleasure to put a little something in your wallet! Power up, Baby!

Asher, @abh12345 It is always a pleasure to come and check this out and I never tire of the fun rivalry going on here. Thank you for your continued commitment to the Engagement League and Hive in general, and Leo and Splinterlands... you get it. You rock!


Thanks once again Denise! I seem to be rather stuck at the 9/10 spot! But it is certainly a good place to be.

I think you like @tarazkp and me! ;) Kidding! It is always nice to see you placing on the EL, especially after you do so much for it! Congratulations, again!

It really is funny that I end up here so often!

I think it is hilarious! You rotate with another person. :))

Hello. Thank you. You are so kind. Yes, it's always a surprise to see someone new break out the pack and float to the top on the strength of their words the previous week. Everyone should be proud of their efforts.

Take care.

I think that is what I love about it. Such good natured rivalry. It certainly is fun!

thank you so much!!! hehehehe i'm so super proud hehehehe
i told my whole family! :)

I would have told my family and yours! LOL That is awesome! I love when people are proud of Hive. I love it here. 💜

Congratulations again!

Thank you very much for all your support Denise :)

It is always my pleasure!