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RE: Don't Tell Me About It

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Most people have no interest whatsoever in crypto. It boggles my mind. I can see the glazed-over look in their eyes before I even say its name.

I am trying to grasp how this will become mainstream when people won't even give it the time of day. I can see it happening in finance and the commercial world, but, everyday spending? It gives me chills thinking about the people that roll their eyes at the mere mention. I am looking forward to that day, but. also, worry about those left behind.

People don't talk about money, dah-ling... that is so gauche. (My great aunt) It is especially awkward when two people from different money etiquettes meet. Inherited wealth is in a class by itself. Wealth isn't discussed as it could embarrass you or themselves. Who has got more or less? It's all about looks, you know.


Haha! You may have to buy new friends. I will say my biggest disappointment is family that isn't interested. :( They have watched since the beginning and are still not interested. They just feel like it's another investment that they aren't willing to risk money on.


I can see the glazed-over look in their eyes before I even say its name.

I know that look...

I can see it happening in finance and the commercial world, but, everyday spending?

As it happens in finance, they will push it mainstream to drive their "early adopter" gains. Because the banks push it, people will buy, but in the end - it becomes a trojan horse for the paradigm shift for the new economy to take hold.

It is especially awkward when two people from different money etiquettes meet.

I am always "low-class" in the money conversation - especially in Finland. Here, they are all so highly educated, that foreigners are often seen as people who have no education, especially if they have a little color in their cheeks. It is conditioning. Even with my friends, they seem to not realize the bias. It is somewhat warranted though, as economically, many people move country and start off with very little and get no "family bonus" - so have to build. I have been here 18 years, but I think my daughter will be the one who benefits the most. Though, a little pump in the markets will go a long way ;)

Haha! You may have to buy new friends.


I am always "low-class" in the money conversation - especially in Finland

The very thought is a non sequitur or should be. The very image of that brings up all sorts of indignities with it. I agree that they do not see it for what it is, it just is present, without question. Americans do not see foreigners as less than or greater than, especially in the business sector. In the public arena, whatever the conversation, there is no differentiation. Perhaps because most are merely one of two generations from being a foreigner themselves? Maybe.

You are anything but low-class in the money conversation. Finland or not. There are many that leave home here in the States with their nests already feathered, but, times are changing and debt is building and loans are being called in. The family bonus may become a thing of the past, with education still steadily rising, no such thing as free University here. Warning: Money talk ahead: my first child going to a private University: Tuition: For the students who were admitted in Fall 2021, the estimated 4-years is $330,030. 00 And they wonder why we are poor. Now, I have to add a few more kids to my payroll... But, you know what? Thank you to people very much like you and my parents, for showing me the way, everything will be paid for. So, while these conditioned people may look down their noses at you, just know that there are people like me that are very grateful that there are people like you in the world. Sharing and caring that others don't miss out.

Yes. Yes. I got off track and left the point a long time ago. But, thank you, from all the people that don't realize you even helped them.