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RE: The House of Cards.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Most people don't know about space, period. Very few people have even heard of long-period comets. We could all be wiped out in a cataclysmic series of events caused by a rock of ice and metal shards that hurled from another part of the Universe. Long period comets are nearly undetecable, even by space observation platforms, because they travel so fast, are often irreguglarly shaped compared to Halley-style short-period comets (even harder to detect a long sliver of matter that is coal-black in the black of space...), and because they have eratic orbital patterns as such. They are literally not predictable. They destroy planets much bigger than Earth ALL.THE.TIME and we have SO MUCH evidence of this happening in Space it's staggering.

It's amusing to me that people worry so much about crypto or finances but we don't even look up at the sky at night...

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