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RE: I want more LEO ... so decided to powerdown

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Be careful!

If your LEO is in the bLEO/BNB pool it is absolutely for sale.
If the price of bLEO goes up or the price of BNB goes down you lose LEO.

I did the same thing and powered down quite a bit, but you should know the risks.
It's called "impermanent loss".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for your comment. Yes I'm aware of this. But not worrying about that as I'm going to stay in the pool for as long as possible and what I'm yielding I'm going to send back to leo to grow my stake again. In this way I think that I can grow faster. Even in times that I don't have too much time to post or comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta