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RE: Putting the Recent BTC Run in Perspective

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I'm trying to limit my buying months to late February and late September. Those are notoriously bearish times for the market. Just trying to save up as much of this garbage fiat as I can to pump it in during the cycle lows. I think it's pretty obvious at this point that we are going to peak in January or right at the end of December before we get that dreaded temporary retracement.

It's so easy to look at the chart and zoom around months at a time here or there, but when you are actually live it day by day its so hard to take one's own advice.


I think it's pretty obvious at this point that we are going to peak in January or right at the end of December before we get that dreaded temporary retracement.

I'm little bit curious about the price action that can be happen in the month of January and February past years indicate that months are really bearish for BTC price. What target are you expecting to the downside to add some more load to you btc portfolio.

Huge support at $20k, doubling curve goes all the way down to $15k. $20k is a solid buy and $15k is just free money at this point. If something crazy happened like martial law and the markets crashed into the muck... say $8k Bitcoin... that's an all-in moment where I would take out as much debt and leverage as much as possible to buy more.

15k would be all in movement for me I'm waiting for it.

Let's se how things unfold.

yeah I would go all in at $15k as well, but I would scramble to jump into debt any lower than that... say $10k... and I would tell all my friends to do the same without hesitation.

I have One of our family friends (and he is quite healthy) encouraging to get into Bitcoin since BTC was ... $145.
And you know what....? His crypto portfolio is still worth a nice round $0.00.
Some ppl never learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wish it would follow the same pattern of 1st January, 2020 to allow us to buy loads of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I also think that the low limit that is the minimum has now become the $ 8000/9000 threshold

Zooming out is my way of dealing with the day-by-day craziness and not doing anything stupid (like selling). All of this will just look like a flat line in a year or so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hm... yep... $300k indeed.

I can't believe some of these people who pop out of the woodwork to tell everyone it's foolish to not take gains here. Like, really? Corporations want to buy in and you're telling everyone to sell at $20k? Nice strategy. A week later we're at $27k... lol.

Lately I also tend not to sell anymore