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RE: Robots Against Humanity: Ameca Humanoid Robot At CES 2022

in LeoFinance2 years ago

OOOOOH you know about Travelers!! I love this show.

Do you know another show called "Humans"? Really cool show too. There will be a paradigm shift eventually, I even daresay that DARPA is 20 years ahead of time in term of tech, so we are approaching very closely that "uncanny valley" where robots and humans will be soon undistinguishable.

So to answer your question that you didn't ask haha, we don't know what governments know about the future, about the super hadron super collider, AI might already have been projecting the future with accuracy, that would explain some of the peculiar decisions by our governments.

I would even go even further haha. We might already be in a simulation, a projection in within an AI algorithm, technically if the simulation is flawless, would we even be aware of it?


I haven't seen or heard of "Humans". I will look it up. Thank you.

I don't buy the simulation argument. :) I think it just comes from our imaginations. Power of AI will still be limited to the processing power and energy, not to mention code going wrong without proper maintenance.