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RE: - Community-Pooled - New-Users-Only-Giveaway!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hey this seems like... not the right spot to put this but maybe someone knows where it can go:

I appear to have encountered a bug, where adding more CUB to its Den erases any unrealized gains that I had. (I put in 0.446 CUB about a day and a half ago, so had 0.004 CUB waiting. Deposited 5 CUB, now I've got 5.446 CUB deposited and 0 waiting to be compounded/harvested.)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


They get harvested if you add liquidity, they're in your wallet.

...I swear I checked those balances against my ledger to see if that was the case, and when I did earlier, it didn't check out.

I just checked it again and you're right. Thanks!

Posted via D.Buzz

Anytime :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta