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RE: If Only I Had Known!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story. This is something that has been of major concern to me. But there’s almost no way to know if one is doing the right things until later in future except one is outright lavishing. For example. The renovation you did in your house may turn out to be something great down the line.
I think I treated myself to an extent during the bull run, I got somethings I needed and I saved a whole lot more. Do I know if I saved enough? No, could I have saved more? Yes, will I have any regrets? I hope not.

Glad you’ve learnt.

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The renovation was probably a good thing in itself, but as I said ... I couldn't enjoy it for a long time because I ran out of money. I also couldn't stay in the house I renovated, I coudn't afford the rent anymore. And had to live with my sister for a few years because I had no income, but was also not entitled to receive benefits. The municipality had calculated that I should be able to live from my inheritance.

Yes, I learned! No, I will never do the same again. It was a very expensive lesson.

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