Saturday Savers Club / week 4 - Upping my ante.

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Hello savers!

This is my fourth savings-related post, that is, my fourth report of progress towards the goals set for this year, and I will say that I am very excited about what I can accomplish.

Image taken from @eddie-earner publication and edited in Paint

This week that is ending I was forced to decrease my online activity for reasons related to my activities in the "mainland" so I did not make any publication after this which surely complicates me a little progress towards my goals, however, we remain focused on what we already undertook.

Upping the ante.

Very happy and optimistic because this week I managed to add another element to my publication, or rather two, since this week for the first time I made the claim of the interests generated by my HBD in savings, it is not much taking into account that I started from zero, but this will increase and in this way I begin to witness the power of the compound interest in first person.

Primer interes.PNG

We continue to grow, slowly but surely...


The second addition for this week, is my first delegation of Hive Power to @eds-vote are only 100 Hive Power but I do it according to the capacity of my account we will see what happens in the future if we can increase that bet, all this with the hope that in the future I can invest in one of the EDS tokens.

This is my weekly summary, from canine to achieve my goals.


According to HiveStats I have similar stats to last week, so the progress is going slow but sure, as I mentioned before, I think the important thing is to keep the momentum without stopping on the way, so this week I got with my work on the platform 10.32 Hive Power, 3.25 HBD and 0.19 in curations rewards.

My challenge numbers....

The numbers of my challenge are growing without any setback, I can say up to this moment that we have reached 48 days of challenge, week number 7 and we have not stopped adding the penny to the container, which clearly indicates that we are advancing smoothly, it seems little but it is very significant for this server.


In this image you can see the gradual growth of my savings, and according to the challenge I went from having 8,610 HBD as I showed in my previous publication, to having 11,844 HBD including the first month of interest generated by my savings.


The other thing I share with you is related to my secondary objective, it is about the increase of my Hive Power, which went from having 345,315 Hive Power last week, to have 356,597 Hive Power this week, nothing out of this world, but we are still growing continuously.

Daily and weekly control


Now I share with you what are my sheets, my images that show the daily progress of my main challenge and the weekly control of it, as I mentioned before I am on day 48 and week number 7.

Control semanal.png

In the image of the weekly control, surely from now on, we will appreciate what I have called a "favorable distortion" generated by the claimed monthly interests, which will make that my balance in savings does not coincide with the advance shown in the image, but this small "favorable distortion" (if you allow me the term) will make me get closer and closer to my objective.

Finally I want to show the table with my goals, the weekly progress, the % of progress and where we are at the moment.

HIVE POWER333.19960011.282356.5973.89%

Final thoughts

We are starting the year and I can not predict the future, but at the end of all this I would like to write a story of personal and economic improvement, to be able to show a powerful account, accompanied with a diverse and robust cryptographic portfolio, plus prosperous business in "mainland".

I know it is very difficult to achieve all this, however, I think it is not a utopia, that with effort, dedication, responsibility and discipline we can achieve many things, understanding that I do not have "money trees" growing in my backyard as a good friend says, but let me dream and work for my dreams.

Greetings friends, let's always go for more....

Banner taken from the original publication by @eddie-earner


This is fabulous! You are making perfect progress, little by little, you will see a big difference. It's great that you are already benefitting from compound interest - excellent! 😍

Sure friend, this is something wonderful, I think that sometimes we only need guidance and change in our mentality to begin to generate deep changes in our economy and our environment, I do not feel fulfilled far from it, I know I have a long way to go, plus many things to learn, but I feel I'm on the right path and if I do not give up I will witness significant improvements in my environment.

Thank you my friend for your constant support to the community, you do an excellent job.

Very good, @gerjer. Week 4 "under your belt" and making steady progress!

"... since this week for the first time I made the claim of the interests generated by my HBD in savings, it is not much ..."

May I gently suggest it is, in fact, much. It is the first step, always the hardest. Stay with it and you will have stories for your grandchildren someday about where it takes you. Along the way, you will grow to appreciate the compounding over time is a very powerful friend, ever working on your behalf ...

"The second addition for this week, is my first delegation of Hive Power to @eds-vote are only 100 Hive Power ..."

A good move (I am biased, of course ...) and also the first step on another path which will provide you the excellent ROI reported on weekly by @eddie-earner.

Be encouraged and "keep on keeping on," into a new week! 🫡

Greetings dear. It has been a difficult week around here, many occupations that have kept me offline, however, I strive to maintain focus and not give up on this purpose, as you mentioned, someday I will tell my grandchildren this story of perseverance and overcoming.

Thank you for your words of encouragement, you are always attentive to each publication of the community, you are an excellent support for this community.

Greetings, thanks for stopping by.