
😄 I just made a joke yesterday with @mypathtofire about the cub size of my LEO holdings. At least I can be a roaring lion for three weeks. 😄


Seems the joke made you a lion hehehe. Roar!😁

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Interesting transformation. In terms of voting value, I expect a change from 0.028 to 1.00 LEO. That's good. 😄

That's sweet and awesomeness!

And be ready too, you might win the HiveFest ticket and accommodation to Amsterdam hihihi

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's another joke.

And the joke was on me. 😆

Haha, it won't be bad if if happens :)

Just in case, if you're willing to go, I will give it to you. 😄

Legend!! Well done mate!

Thanks mate! 😄