I think we all knew our tax money was being wasted and stolen, but proving it was impossible amd no wonder it was secret, because look at the awful things it is being used for!
The machine behind the democrat party name no longer loves America or the values that it stood for many years. I'm sure some waste and mis-appropriation has always happened along the way, but it is so amazing to me to know the magnitude of how much of it has happened and I believe we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Many years back there were whispers about a new world order that some countries and leaders wished for, but early on, I thought America would refuse to be part of it. If they/we resisted at first, at some point, our politicians decided in secret that America would join in. Once that was decided, obviously, being a fairly rich nation, those Judases set out to not only destroy America with this disgusting idea, they chose to try to fund others to join in on their cult. They KNEW real Americans would not agree with it, so they have done it in secret and lied about everything at every turn.
The Democrat party has shown that they do not represent what the vast majority of Americans want. Publicly in the last some years, they would even refuse to answer things they didn't want too and tell us we didn't need to know or we would find out their opinion on things once elected. It was so blatant, I was surprised anyone would actually want to support them. Even though we didn't know how deep that deceit was rooted in, they had stopped pretending they cared and they thought the people were eating what they were feeding us through all the lies and propaganda they were spewing out everywhere, but they were wrong.
I don't know what will happen going forward, but I'm definitely hoping they never get back into power with the people that are still there now. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring and all hell could break loose in any direction, but I'm still hoping for something good.
Yes the populations around the world have been brainwashed over the last decade so wat would seem ridiculous to many seems ok now. I hope tings can be put back, but it clearly shows the Democrat Party cannot be trusted and wish another party would show their face. Hell breaking loose would be good as I think this would help fix things quicker.