My Hive Goals for 2024 Week #19

in LeoFinance29 days ago

I have decided to start posting a weekly update on my progress toward my 2024 goals here on Hive. It helps me stay on track and I can realize if I am behind on a goal at any point in time. We are over one-third of the way through the year. If I need to towards the end, I'll push whatever is behind then. However, I am wondering just how much I need to purchase if things continue the way it is now.


Above are statistics that I have gotten from HiveStats. This week is looking a bit better than last week but I still think that I am doing quite well on my own goals so far. Progress is progress as it all adds up over time.


I got more than last week with 49 HP earned throughout the week. I am checking this through the difference between the two endpoints on the graph on Hivestats. The numbers are up compared to last week for author rewards but the curation rewards are slightly lower. It is a bit weird to see the endpoints lower than the author rewards though but I guess it doesn't really change too much. Maybe it's because of HPUD and the powerup there. I think I am doing fine though as I am doing a decent job of using up my voting power. It's just a slow process of earning HP through consistent activity.


I gained 13 HBD last week and I deposited all of that into my Savings this week. This is higher than last week and I should be getting the interest next week.

LEO Power

leo wallet.png
I only earned 43 LEO between last week and today but I am still fine with my goals right now due to the buffer. I still haven't decided what to do with the LEO but I am still collecting more LEO over time. I should visit threads though to earn more LEO but I just haven't had much time lately. It's also LPUD tomorrow so I should be able to increase my LEO Power.


goal progress.png
My progress is looking fine so far. Both HBD and LEO power are ahead of where I need to be right now. The HBD goal is looking quite good as it has passed the 50% mark. Unfortunately, my HP goal is falling behind by a few percent. Both LEO and HBD are ahead so I am not worried. As we are over one third done with the year, I should be closer to 36% done on each goal so HP is almost 3% behind. Either way, I have some buffer due to HBD so those few percent should be fine.

Do you have any goals for 2024? What is the progress towards your own goals?

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Are you still getting Leo for your cub?

No. It was a one time return of LEO. I haven't used most of the LEO so there is still some liquid LEO for me to decide what to do with.

I really want to focus more on Leo these days
I think that’s where I’m lagging including threespeak

I think it's a good platform and it's one of the tokens that is still trying to develop things (even if quite a few things failed).

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