Clean Rivers

in LeoFinance3 months ago

#mayinleo Day 26! How have your surroundings changed in the last 20 years?

Over the past 20 years the rivers were clean, long white beaches devoid of plastic to the degree it has been of late. Spring tides, floods caused havoc, not humans with sewage spill as is currently happening, all rivers lead to the sea!

Roll back 20 years we had constant electricity supply, no issues with clean water, people drove vehicles respecting other users on the road.

Rainbow nation we all dreamed of has come and gone, Madiba would turn in his grave seeing what has happened to our beloved country!

This week on the 29th May I appeal to all South Africans to vote wisely, balanced change is needed, as we
voted in 1994 to remove apartheid, now return as one to vote for respect, equality, ubuntu.

Living life is constant, move in a way that is favourable to all, this corruption, greed, self-value is taking mankind in the wrong direction, always question.

Below is a photo of my two Rhodesian Ridgebacks romping through the river close to the Indian Ocean, I have not been on our beach in over three years, never forget what life should be.


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That's awesome good friend, It's so important to prioritize keeping our rivers clean. I've noticed how much healthier local wildlife becomes when we take steps to reduce pollution.

Water a massive concern, going back 20 years we had just come through Y2K hysteria, recently Pandemic blown out of proportion, change over the years.

This is something worth looking more into I believe

How are you dear friend @joanstewart good afternoon
Yes, it is incredible how things have changed in the last twenty years, people go out of their way to do things wrong to damage the only place we have to live. It would be great to have seas, rivers, lagoons and lakes free of pollution.

I hope that this May 29, the people of your country are wise when choosing who you represent.

I wish you and all your people much success.

Single dominant party ruling no longer works, a more balanced government is sorely required where each party can watch the other, stop corruption and nepotism, remove some radical racist laws.

AS White People are only 7.65% of the South African Population according to Mid-year Population estimates in 2022 by Stats South Africa, why BEE or worse BBBEE!

Asian/Indian and Coloured populations only slightly larger than the whites, with black population being over 80% what are they needed special laws to protect them?

Hopefully things will start to right itself with upcoming election, it is going to take a long time to fix what has been destroyed over the last 30 years.

sometimes it is hard, when we talk about politic and also politician, as they are so good at influencing people to vote them to power, yet they could be a very bad person to execute all the vision or mission that they use to bring during the campaign.

I guess the things here it not much different from yours over there, wish that we alco could have a good and balance power that control the country.

May the best win on the election.

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When humans decide to work together, concentrate on making world our home a better place it would ease a lot of paid. Money wasted on many wars caused by a few.

8 Deadliest Wars of the 21st Century

Second Congo War (19982003) Far and away the deadliest war of the 21st century was a conflict that had its genesis in the 20th. ...
Syrian Civil War. ...
Darfur Conflict. ...
Iraq War. ...
Afghanistan War. ...
The War Against Boko Haram. ...
Yemeni Civil War. ...
Russia-Ukraine War.

Imagine a world at peace, using resources in a manner to better the lives of many more.

Sadly, rivers are no longer clean and safe to swim in nowadays. No thanks to people's careless actions.

May the coming election in your country change history for the better. Corruption and bad leadership are a perfect combo for disaster.

Places we enjoyed I would not venture into now, don't even allow my pets near for fear of contaminated waters.

If these elections don't bring in balanced democratic thinkers serving the country we will most definitely not see the change we desire. Worst is it may go socialist or communist which is not where I would like to venture.

That's truly sad. But then again, it is the same in most places.

Hope voters will come together and bring about the ones who will initiate changes for the better.

I wish you good luck and prosperity, I hope you make a wise choice.

Rooting for the people not to walk around with blinkers on!

What gorgeous dogs, I would not though want to get on the wrong side of them!!!

We have got an election here now as well, 7 weeks of boredom fake news and shit politicians, of every colour and creed all as bad as each other, this country is doomed whoever you vote for. Pigs with their snouts in the trough.

Years of fun on beaches with our dogs over the years, not territorial once on common ground used to play everywhere.

Sick and tired of most people in positions of power throughout the world of late, too many greedy corrupt idiots at the trough. Only one appears to be swimming through the shit and surfacing is Argentina with Milei taking a hard stance.

But step in their territory and........

So much crap in mainstream media in UK, they say he is threatening to reclaim the Malvinas, who cares? too many lives lost in the 80's fighting over this place, which now costs the UK tax payer millions a year.

Perhaps the place to go live...

Crazy wars, we had our own down here, nothing made sense then still doesn't now.

is it my age? But Nothing makes any sense to me now

Much the same!