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RE: The Hive Engagement League πŸ†

in LeoFinance β€’ 2 years ago

Short walk is fine, enough to take in some fresh air and see the end of day, I must go see Season Hunt!

Most will close for the week between the two holidays, loud New Year parties we have not had for many years, definitely not this one with curfew still imposed from midnight to four in the morning.

Normally I go to bed around midnight (usual) then get to the beach on New Years morning, fine start to the new year than sitting around into early hours of the morning.


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A short walk is better than nothing 😁

If we are not in lockdown anymore it will get loud - firecrackers and fireworks all around the lake for New Year's Eve, but we will see how the situation will be by then.

I usually go to bed as early as every day and get up early enough for sunrise if the weather is fine. I drive around the lake and enjoy the silence of the first day of the year while most people still sleep, most longer than usual 🀣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Short walk is better than nothing, that is for sure!

Lockdown is happening everywhere slowly again, there is talk over here again as well.

Fireworks should be banned the ones used of late sound like gun fire, scare birds out the trees and animals, not the same as we had when younger.

Working years always early to bed, not so much anymore midnight then up around seven...


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@joanstewart(2/5) gave you LUV. | wallet | market | tools | connect | <><

I think most countries will be in lockdown again soon, and many are already.

Yep, I love to watch and photograph controlled fireworks by professionals, but shooting them in cities between the houses or near woodlands is wrong. It's too loud anyway, our cats will still be running around scared quite a while after New Year.

I don't think I'll change my early sleeping time because I love the early mornings without people πŸ˜‰

Cheers and !BEER

With this new variant they will lock the doors again on travel from here, seems like Africa gets the a bad deal no matter what happens. Suffer harsh environment issues due to first world overusing coal (China and USA), now covid always sneaking in under another guise, or is it our scientists are too alert while the rest are sleeping?

Country is now too poor to pour money into fireworks even recent religious Indian Diwali was exceptionally quiet this year.

If it were safe to be up early for walks I would be exactly the same, we are prisoners in our own homes so make the most of watching travel documentaries or debates.

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This virus keeps all the scientists around the world busy and still no one knows much more than before. Otherwise there would already be a working solution, but they are only trying ... the poorer countries are the ones that suffer most, as always.

It's safe here, although there are places where I also wouldn't go, even not during the day.

The !LOLZ is quite new and I haven't heard of the !ONEUP yet
!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Hopefully some answers are found soon, certain places cannot carry on at this rate. What really bites deep is the manner it is being used to control people.

Many places I don't go where we used to enjoy, so it is history now.

!ONEUP is new working together with !PIZZA Announcement

Many rumors and conspiracy theories are out there, but who knows what's really going on behind the scenes. It looks like they are trying to control the small people, of course, but I don't think that's all what's going on, there must be more. Maybe one day we will find it out.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice πŸ˜ƒ

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