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RE: Trade Mania : A Scalping Cookbook!

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Very educational my man. I really do like that you trust your gut. I also trust in mine. The day I don't trust it. It's over. I guess we share the same superpowers in that regard. It's like you say, observing the charts constantly gives you the clue about patterns. Hive's pattern is not hard to follow of you have been enough. It was my pleasure reading this mate. Cheers!


Hey Jon! thanks for dropping by :D

The Power of The Gut, eh mate! I like the sound of that xD

Hive's pattern is not hard to follow

I agree, this is the one coin almost every single one of us looks at the price chart of at some point or another during the day. So it's easier to familiarize ourselves with how it moves.

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