Existing In An Economic & Financial Loop; How Do You Breakthrough?

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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Living, working earning and spending is a loop that denies people of their quality of life, but this loop is inevitable especially when they're (people) not financially free. Occasionally this loop becomes mundane it becomes difficult to express one's ability to think out of the box and create something extraordinary. In this video, I talk about this economic and financial loop that has people hooked on monetary responsibilities making it difficult to make meaning of the non-monetary aspect of their lives.

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Living & Living Unintentionally (The Financial Repercussion)


@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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If only we could see beyond being hooked to the normal and when I say normal I mean the 8 hours a day job, I wish we could all start looking for ways to depend less on that and seize being slave to money.

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Occasionally these things are dependent on financial background. In a place like Nigeria, it is always difficult to not get hooked. I did this 8 hours job it's even extended to 12-hours on a daily for so many years. Sometimes we need to see the light to eventually see how harmful these jobs are

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I think being financially free is something everyone should do. I do agree that as you age, you don't really have that same drive as it changes over time. I really need to have a better work-life balance sometimes and it's also one of my goals.

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A better work-life balance is what every organization should aim for their workers, enslaving someone who works for you would not do good to their quality of life. At the end of the day, people need to experience financial freedom to understand these things

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@josediccus, si mi amigo la libertad financiera buen tema, ella llega cuando tu subes de nivel y dejas de hacer actividades normales, para hacer cosas extraordinarias, descubres tu don o tus habilidades asi empiezas a superarte y hacer las cosas cada día mejor saludos ..