
I just place my unused ones I receive from rewards in rentals as I level them up. I should have +- 30k CP cards in rentals.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow, that is way huge . I need alot of cp to enter gold II

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Am in gold III, I should be needing about 8-9k CP for gold II but am not in a rush to get in there lol, that will require me to pull off my entire cards off the rental market

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I generally try to put 100k CP into rentals because I am happy with my position at Gold II. This amount is growing as I get more cards and as I buy more cards for my rental strategy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea collection power is an issue but after you get enough, you can start renting. The rental market is amazing because you still own all the assets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta