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RE: CUB Scrambling

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

90% there but stuck. My BSC wallet has received the CUB in it, great.
And I see the page to stake my CUB.
But when I click connect or unlock wallet, nothing happens and my BSC wallet does not open at all.
Any advice?
If it's because I need a little BNB to pay for a small fee then that's ok, but if I need to have an equal amount of BUSD, to the value of my CUB, then I will have to get those coins into my BSC wallet too.

Update: I moved some BNB from my Binance account to my BSC wallet, and was able to go a step further. The system allowed me to add max stake of CUB, but when the final confirmation arrived, the BSC wallet popped up but there was no link on it to click confirm.

Update 2: Since then my BSC wallet is confirming the TX, as is the BSC Scan, and the BNB fee has been deducted, so maybe it went through and the CUB is now staked. But the CubFinance sight and pool shows no sign of it. Perhaps I have to wait a while.

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