Death Defying Tools #Dreemport Challenge

in LeoFinance6 months ago (edited)

Hello my fellow Dreemie, Greetings to everyone from this end.

Last week we all related our dreem space. It was fun to see many unfolding their dreems and this I know has made many more focused on their dreem

The prompt for this week is "defying dreem tools". According to my post on my dreem space as a fashion designer.


  1. MONEY

    image source

One of the major tools I will need is money I need this to get a shop at least for me to start up my Dreem.
I will need up to $1500 to set up the shop with decorations, fittings, and other miscellaneous that will beautify the shop and make it more attractive to my customers.
The beautification will attract many people to come in and patronize the business. Remember that appearance matters a lot, it is the first role of a fashion business.


    image source

This machine is another priority in the sewing business. Industrial machines make sewing neat and easy to operate. It makes sewing enjoyable for one and it is the best when it comes to neat sewing. It is advisable to sew ready-to-wear dresses mostly for children. It can't be used without electricity.
There are other machines like butterfly and singer sewing machines that can be used manually without electricity due to the kind of country am living in, most times there is no electricity supply many Nigerians can understand better how we are living here in Nigeria without electricity light we all live on the power bank to always power our phones there is no one with a phone without power bank to always have the phone on.

image is mine

Here is the Image of my singer machine that I have been using for making some dresses. It doesn't use electricity.


This is another crucial tool that will give my sewing a neat and beautiful finish. This is so needful because a lot of designers around me sew clothes and the clothes appear rough with threads pulling out from every axis. I don't want such as I seek to create a standard for myself. This machine is important because as a dress is neat both outside as well it must be neat inside.

I went to a fashion designer's shop who is my friend. I was able to snap her industrial weaving machine and here it is.

Image is mine

These are not all the tools I need but they are the most important to kick starting my dreem. I would start from here with these tools I have listed above and then as time goes on, I would seek to increase and get stabilized.

I am happy and smiling as I write this because I can see it already materializing.

"Will it happen In 2024"?

absolutely would only require more effort from my end, efforts I am willing and ready to put in.

I am not afraid to visualize my dreem nor am I afraid of soaring in it. They are death-defying and I will do my best to strive and bring it to pass.

Thanks for reading my post

Here is my response to the #dreemport dreemer of the year challenge.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 183 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @julti1985, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Loving the dreem!
it sure takes a chunk of dedication to keep going forward no matter what. you've got what it takes to live that dreem and i do hope it comes to pass too.
nothing beats working with a better machine. though, most of these would require electrical power which is always (n0t 😉) available as required, it makes fashion craft more easy and neat.

Electrical sewing machine sewing is quite different from manual machines.
I will never relent in my efforts and my determination will stand gidigba, no shaking.
I appreciate your comment friend.
Stay cool and stay blessed.

Anything is possible with determination and focus plus all efforts crowned with Favour. God no go shame us

Amen ooo, God no go shame us.
I will stay focused until my dreem comes to visualize.
Thanks for your comment.

That's the spirit

You're welcome ma

Money is indeed the most important element in the pursuit of acquiring material resources.

Whenever it is some task to do do, along with skills the tools are of immense importance. If your tools are of superior quality the work is performing in a better way. So your desire for the machines makes perfect sense.

I wish you good luck with your Dreem

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It seems every necessary tool needed has to do with money because I know how expensive industrial equipment especially during this time of hyperinflation. Hopefully you will get the necessary funds to finance your dreams.

Pop in from #dreemport

You are right, everything has to do with money, but that won't stop me from making my dreem manifest.
Thanks for your comment

These are vital equipment that are needed to enlarge your occupation in every aspect. These dreems need to be addressed to enable swift and effective tasks! I wish you progress! #dreemer #dreemport

Of course, they are vital equipment.
Thanks for coming around

I can relate with all the necessary tools you mentioned and I can confirm that they are indeed the basic things you need to make your dreem possible come next year.
Good luck


Thanks for your comment.