
I'd prefer to hide threads with links only. These with description didn't bother

We actually implemented it at first where if the thread had 10 words + a link, it would still show

But even that was full of garbage spam. Hive culture needs to change from this post-promo drop links phase


In one of the next few updates, we'll add more customization. So if you want to toggle links with 10 words+, then you can do that

Up to the user how much or how little of anything they want to see. A modular experience is our goal


Wow that will be amongst the best updates, and it will add more value to threads, modular experience will be good and beneficial.

Yeah, but it was the point of me posting links here. Will get back to twitter

surely that is true, this add-on is amazing but then the one click is super

Love the one-click feature, saving so much time

Thats true boss, its super amazing

This is good but one click vote is a wonder :P

Yeah I really love that