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RE: 5 Personal Finance Lessons That Changed My Life

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Don't Forget To Reward Yourself

This is very important and it's something I have been neglecting. It is easy to tell ourselves that we are on a budget or saving our money for some big purchase, but it's a great idea to also take some of that money and buy something nice for yourself once in a while, it doesn't have to be something expensive or ridiculous, just a little something to give yourself a pat on the back and say "I am on the right track" Just don't get carried away with the rewards 😆


LMAO. That's an important thing to note here. Most people do get carried away with the rewards. They overdo it and get burned to ZERO xD Don't do it.

I love taking out my profits time to time. I have some goals to achieve but I am not too hard on them. 🔥 It's about the journey, not the goal.

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