How is life with $1,000 monthly In My Country

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)


This is a morning traditional market on a side of street in low class housing area" I live here"

Every country has different value of currency to products. I do not talk how to make $1,000 monthly. In this post, I hope you can compare how is life in different part of the world.

I live in South East of Asia. My currency is IDR. The value of 1 IDR to 1 USD is around 14,500. If you can earn $1,000 monthly , it means you earn IDR 14,500,000.


This is a look of street in the high class real estate in my city

Minimum wages

There are some minimum wages in my country. It is based on the city. In the capital city is around IDR 4,200,000. or around $289 monthly. It is the highest standard of minimum wages.

Food Spending

Here I can divide the calculation if you live as a single or life with four members of family. As if you are with your spouse with 2 children.

For a single , you need to spend around IDR 75,000 for daily food. You do not cook your own meal in this case. You will spend IDR 75,000 X 30 = 2,250,000 0r $155 monthly. This is a standard meal with some meat, chicken and egg with rice and vegetables. You do not go to mall to eat at restaurant. You do not eat European or American menu.

Most family in my country cook their food. They buy raw food from grocery stores. Standard living of four family to cook food is around IDR 150,000 daily. With IDR 150,000 , you can feed 4 members of family daily with some south Asian menu like meat, chicken, eggs and others. You cook yourself. You do not eat at a restaurant. So you will spend IDR 150,000 x 30 = IDR 4,500,000 or $310 monthly. This standard is high because your food for a family is higher than minimum wages.

Many family in my county depends on a single bread winner though some of women work but most family the father works. Mom stays at home and takes care of her kids. Mom usually opens small retail shops at home. With minimum wages only a father feed their family. So when you spend $310 to feed family with four members is above the average minimum standard living.


A fruit street vendor near my house


The middle class housing is worth IDR 300,000,000 or $20,689 . Most family by house on installment. They borrow money from banks with 10-15 years tenors . If you take 10 years tenors, you have to pay IDR 2,500,000 or $173 monthly. Renting a house is not common for middle up class family. For a single, many of singles buy a house too but some of them rent a flat with one bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. It is worth around $100 monthly. That is why most family prefer to invest in real estate because paying $173 monthly will have benefit of owning a real estate asset after 10 years. When you rent a house you will have nothing. You will only pay monthly.


A motorcycle price is around IDR 25,000,000 . This a standard of city motorcycle. Most motorcycle are Japan investment company from Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki. A city car with seven seats is about IDR 220,000,000 or $15172. You can buy motorcycle of a car on installment too. If you get loan from banks, you can have 5 years tenors. A car will worth $252 monthly or IDR 3,600,000.
After five year you will have a car.

Electricity and internet data

You need to spend around IDR 500,000 for a house spending with refrigerator, TV water pump, and other needs. Internet data with wifi installation will need $100. $100 monthly will have unlimited data and high speed connection from best data providers.

Other expenses

I will not calculate medical expenses. Here I will give more daily needs, like bathing , perfume , laundry and others. I think you need $100 monthly.

How much do you spend monthly? If you have $1,000 monthly earning?

Calculation for a single
Food : $155
House : $175 - You buy a house
Transportation - $252 you buy a car
Electric and data : $100
Others : $100

Total : $782
For a family just change the food : $ 310 so expending for a family will be $917

For a single you still have $1000-782 = $218
For a family you still have $1000-917 = $83

That is a short description of living with $1,000 monthly in my country. Investment in real estate will be the most valuable asset after ten years. The price of this property will be double after ten years. After five years, you will have your own car too.

Thanks for reading. I hope this comparison will give you much knowledge about living on other countries. You can also share your opinion in the comment. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to upvote if the post is beneficial for you and follow me @lebah I will follow you back!

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Thank you for sharing, I hope your county will flourish. It was a very interesting read.
While the salaries in Israel are much higher, so is the prices, and you cannot sustain a family of minimum wage (1500$). Sure not buy a house and even save every month. Sounds like you have a stable economy. Keep writing, you got yourself a follower :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like to share and compare how is life in my country and others. It gives me much knowledge about economy. Thanks for visiting my post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

good post

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I think it would be useful to say what country you live in for those who don't know. I thought it was Indonesia but wasn't 100% sure so needed to check. 😊

!LUV 1

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You are right. Sometimes , I am shy to say where I am from.

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I am shy to say where I am from

Ah. OK. No need to if you don't feel comfortable. 😊

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