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RE: The Rise of DeFi and the Need for Archimedes

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Hey there,

Welcome to the @leofinance community. It is great to have official accounts from projects posting here on Web3.

It's a great place to post updates, and we love original and unique content. I note this post is the same as your medium post, and while that is all good, it is not plagiarism as it is your content, unique posts will perform better here and gather a lot more attention. We have over 600 MAU keen to find and promote original content, and give visibility to content unique to our platform. May I suggest a summary post on Medium with the full text here as an alternative to the same post on both platforms?

In any regard, it is great to have you here and I am looking forward to learning more about your project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah, and Medium sucks anyway and has no engagement whatsoever! Haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Medium is over-hyped.

HIVE > Medium

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta