There are 9 pages

Okay guys, I think I made it. 100 comments in the last 24 hours. I think i need a couple more threads to hit 100 but 100 comments in total is fine by me.

You guys really like commenting hope the algorithm picks up comments from other front ends as using mobile phone is very stressful at the moment

100 comments.. 💯.. that's the work of 10 people

How to have a great movie night ?

@desireeart seems to be a pro at turning an ordinary evening into a full of fun activity.

#pizza #threads #liotes #silverbloggers #poll #polls #movies

I recently got a colleague of mine on hive and he has been feeling discouraged and all, and he said something the really got me thinking. He went "if you weren't here to guide me, I'd be gone". So I'd give a few tips for newbies

  1. Engagement - I fell like this one is a given. To build real relationships one has to learn to connect and interact with the community that they find thierselves in. This is very key to growth.
  1. Consistency - for anyone to get ahead at anything, one has to be willing to stay true and consistent to that which they believe in. To grow on hive, you'd have to be willing to be consistent. Quality consistency too.
  1. Quality over quantity - it is never a good idea to steal someone else's work and pass as ones own or spam low quality content in a bid to garner rewards faster. Always choose quality of quantity.Key to building good relationship.
  1. Obey set rules - this is something a lot of newbie neglect. Disregard for community rules and all can negatively impact ones reputation on hive. Always ask questions.

COnsistency is key!

That my friend is the real deal✅

It is indeed. I learnt this even before I got onboard Hive but seeing the low level of engagements in some posts got me discouraged and when #threads came calling, I embraced it whole heartedly and I'm enjoying every bit of it.

You've made a wise choice ☺️
Threads is going to make engagement multiply a thousand timestimes🚀

Exactly, threads is the future of Web3

That's pretty common, mainly because there's a huge jump to even get started (which should hopefully change now with LeoThreads) and people not really voting on things.

the learning curve is quite steep. This is one of the reasons our retention rate is very poor. I am hoping with leo thread people can easily integrate and learn fast.

hope he finds his way here

He will
I've been on his case in elenting

Comment and thread more. Post less.

Definitely adding that.


Also.. show up EVERYDAY..


Definitely. The onboarding experience is not great, and the rettention rate is low as hell. We are hoping to change that with this new interface! Is your friend already threading?

Yea he is. @tmicezack

I told him about the adoption campaign and all and he has been really enthused

1/🧵 Threadstorm the second.
I've been thinking about the differences between Leofinance and the other failed communities. A lot of tribes have come and gone since the first days of PALnet but the reasons seem to be the same.

Yep, gotta back the token with value otherwise no one cares. Money talks and is a huge motivation factor.

That's why I've sold most of my other he tokens and been buying Leo for the past couple of months.

Hoping for a nice rise in price.

IT's one thing to form a community or tribe but unless you have a way to keep it functioning and back the token then it's going to fail at some stage. Speculation isn't enough to build an economy aorund if there is never any revenue.

Leo have not only rebuilt the tribe form the ground up but they have added some of the most needed features to make it successful.

  • Easy onboarding.
  • Lite accounts.
  • Nice layout.
  • Revenue from advertising.


  • A team of volunteers.
  • Marketing.
  • Customer support.
  • Customization options.

These should all be the standard for new communities with a package for people to operate them with no coding nessessary.


If LEO can get this to work properly then they will have set the benchmark for communities going forward. If they fail it won't be from lack of trying.

I am very positive about the updates and think that it will have a big effect.

I agree! Things are starting to fall into place and even more to come!
Really excited about this new stage of the community

Dude this was such a great mini analysis, definitely some food for thought for those looking to start their own community or tribe, and also some arguments for those looking to invest in a L2 built on top of hive!

Moar #asparagus again 🤤

with a nice piece of Roast Pork braised in onions #food #foodie

Look at the color

I did and then i ate all the colors 🤤

This post by @golem.overlord is an accounting for a major change to the game economics. It's a fascinating reminder of the power of exponential growth, & how idler games need to approach these mechanics with extreme caution!


It will be very interesting to see how the new system pans out!

Here's the post:

#gosh #play2earn #idlegames

Not involved in this one but good thing they caught it early...

Yup, it was maybe a week or so away from becoming untenable. Would've possibly led to an Alpha wipe. Terracore also spotted an untamed ^ in their code and adjusted too 😅


Taking #greentuesday nice & literally! After an indulgent weekend, a lighter, healthier lunch was warranted. While purple, orange, & red were added in the end, it started like this:

No carb? omg :)

Haha there was some sugar in the dressing. But I also have some ice cream that will probably get snacked on soon 👀

Don't go too deep into the contest mode :P ha ha

Thank you so much 😀

Cheers and !BEER

Welcome on board #leo #threads may your experience be productive and fruitful. Do let me know in case you need any assistance with getting started with the quests. Have a great and safe week

Thanks and you have a great week too 🌞

Hey @thetimetravelerz, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Are you driving away the mosquitoes by growing a citronella plant?

#greentuesday #pizza #polls #poll #threads #silverbloggers #liotes #hivegarden

oh wow, never knew they did that. Just saw them as some kind of weird bush, good to know.

they are awesome at repelling mosquitoes

Our local park has some belters of Spring flowers!
Saw these yesterday on my walk!

#greentuesday #hivegarden #liotes #silverbloggers

The flower looks amazing and this shot was taken from a very nice angle.

hehe thank you wee wongi!
Am glad you noticed I was down crouching!


I think I tooks a lesson or two on photography..maybe that's why I noticed :⁠-⁠)

beautiful shot!

Can you help me break this Poll?

Vote on it, comment, tag other people so they see it.

Vote, comete e marque mais gente @underlock, @shiftrox, @kaibagt

e não esquece de usar a tag #hivebr haha

Let's break this poll

I just did...Do the same

Aqui voy... a romper la encuesta ✅🔨.

#Break the pol
#Break the poll
#Break the poll
#Break the poll
#Break the poll
#Break the poll

@tmicezack @iskawrites errrmmmmm

why are we breaking this poll, again? 😃

Why and how 😅

Lol. if you find the answer first, don't forget me 😂

I won't😅
Let me go in search of answers. are being selfish, right now, you know that? 🤣

Am I?😅

I mean no harm yunno😅

Let's break the poll!

we need moar votes to break it

Everyone is "breaking" on the poll.

Let's stress test 🔥

@hopestylist @ovey10 @jesus-son @jessicaossom can you help vote on this test poll????

Yes, I will now

Have done that.

Yeah... Have done

Which post we dey vote on sef

Did I succeeed?

Gm please break the poll.

Break! This is an order

LEts break the poll!!!!

Please break 1 2 3 a prize for you @wongi if you vote and break the thread!

Let me hop on it 😅

@cheeamaka @nkemakonam89 @luchyl @marajah

I think we can break the poll✨.

Break the pool? How??

make lots of comments I guess.

Let's break the

have you incorporated breathing exercises to combat stress ?

#gmfrens #pizza #polls #poll #threads #silverbloggers #liotes

Inhale > hold your breath > exhale and let of your stress

I didn't know about this, I actually knew that breathing influences a lot of our daily activities, and I've worked towards having a better breathing technique but I didn't know it also helped with stress.

wim hoff has been helpful on maaaannnnnyyyy occasions

You caught it right at the beginning, you wake up very early man! I wake up at 4 am the start the hustle, what about you?

You early risers are the bosses.

I'm usually up 5:45 am or 6 am

Great edition as usual!
Thanks for putting this together

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Disc golf anyone?


Never tried it myself but it sounds fun! Also, beautiful day you got there!

1/🧵 I was calmly training and thinking about what topic a thread could be in #threads until I realized that any topic can be a thread

That is true. It is general purpose so whatever comes across your mind can be posted on threads.

yes, I hope you see the end of the story, it's beautiful hahahaha

2/🧵 At the beginning I was only training with some colleagues when suddenly a topic arose which was that we were thirsty and wanted to refresh ourselves.

3/🧵 After saying this, the wonderful idea occurred to me to go for ice creams and thus refresh ourselves and continue with the training (if we are a little lazy) hahaha

4/🧵 Well, as you can see, we went for ice cream but when we walked a bit, we saw a puppy in the distance but we didn't know what it was doing since it couldn't be seen much in the distance so we decided to get closer.

5/🧵 As we got closer to the puppy we got scared thinking that something had happened to it, but then the owner told us that he was just "praying"

And it was very cute since it was not in a normal position in the dogs

6/🧵 I attach a photo of the puppy and the end of #threadstorm

When you do a threadstorm, make sure to always reply to the first thread so the threadstorm looks perfectly!

When you claim the threadstorm quests, make sure to make two different threadstorms, one for each quest!

How come no one replied to me on the YT livestream even I said "Who tf is Eric"...

I wanna speak with customer service

Ugh, 5 hours straight compiling data for financial reports
Need a break!


That is enough to drive one mad.

By the way, asked your question on the air during #cryptomaniacs.

Cool, thanks! Couldn't catch it live because of the dreaded reports but will listen to the re-run later!

It was a good one. Some good stuff going on in Sucre. Hope it spreads a great deal.

Just under 30 minutes until kickoff.

Feeling nervous ngl
#arsche #football #

Lol I will revisit this thread after the match to drink premium Chelsea tears

Odogwu why are you doing this to Me

Brother cry you hear?


You're a man u fan, I'm certain of it

What has light got to do with darkness? I would rather support enyimba

Only man u fans love to banter Chelsea this much,

Surprisingly, I am very calm.

But then I have no vested interest in this game whatsoever. LOL

Lucky you task

Ah I have my own interests that put me on edge so I can identify.

Amazing how #sports does that to us.

It's why we love the beautiful game 😅

Funny we talked about this in the launch party on discord

We need threadcasts for the different events that take place. Sports is a great genre for that.

JUST IN: 🇺🇸 Florida governor vows to ban CBDCs in the state and says the government doesn't like crypto because it can't be controlled ~ WatcherGuru

Dayum, they want to control us.... #NGMI, Ban CDCCs for sure but "doesn't like" no way

Desantis is the leading candidate to take on Trump so he is going to keep garnering attention. The fact he brings this up shows the divide that will take place among politicians.

Meanwhile, we keep developing and building.

He made a smart move with his statement... where most Investors are pissed cuz of US Gov... He's like got that checkmate vibe ready.

Indeed, Building is the right way to make noise at right time.

It appears to be falling along political lines. Desantis and Cruz have taking the position of no CBDCs. Then you have Warren saying crypto should be outlawed.

So we are seeing the early stages of the lines being drawn.

At least one state gets it no matter how much some hate him his stance on crypto and the government is spot on. States should have more power than the government and the people within those states the power over the state.

Exactly spot on!

Government is real time losing that power and I think states or people are where it's going to go as it is supposed to be.

I overheard groups of men blaming women over the high rate of divorce in today's marriages. According to them, it's because of feminism. Please friends, is it true? Does feminism have anything to do with wife's submissiveness?

I do know that if the woman is college educated, they start around 80% of the divorces in the US, and I do think it is related to 3rd wave feminism.

Really? But which is the 3rd wave feminism? And, should we ban them from attending college

Make sure to eat your veggies!


Tomatoes are fruits.. js

Oh I heard that before
However I have a friend who is a biologist and he lectured me for a good 30 mins when last time I said that lol

I invite you on a poetic journey inspired by "Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer"! 🌟
#bcpoets #leofinance #poetry

come check it out, and maybe get a question asked and answered #gmfrens #ctp #Gosh

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

My boy's kindergarten has a little garden that the kids take care and sometimes they bring the produce home :)

OMG look at him glowing

hehe thank you :)
He brought home a lettuce the other day, so proud!
It was yummy 🥬

I want my kid to bring some for us ha ha

Exciting news form CTPX ...
Keep it up @jongolson
#ctp #liotes #gmfrens #contest #alive

Weekly News from The Hive Blockchain

#hive #gosh #ctp #live

Due to the liquidity problem on #bitfinex, #btc derivatives momentarily shot up to $ 56,000. #cryptonews #bitcoin

What The... It happened before as well - right?

There may be these and similar instant fluctuations in liquidity problems, but I don't remember such a rise anytime soon.

Jongo aka @jongolson posts about the other reason to hold HP! Link to this fantastic article is in the comments…

Jon always makes good points when it comes to the hive ecosystem!

The first gifts from my husband was a beautiful carved wooden piggy bank. -@yole

#gosh #ladiesofhive #threads

A special gift that will incite you to save more than spending


One of the most of the material things that gives me joy was the perfume I received from a best friend. - @desiredlady

#gosh #ladiesofhive #silverbloggers #threads

Hey @silversaver888 are you up to having some sort of collaboration between LOH and Silver Bloggers for a few weeks or a month sometime?

#LOH #silverbloggers

Yes, m0st definitely!!!
Let's talk about it @silverlions.leo !

Wonderful, I shall message you tomorrow :) @tengolotodo.leo

The inevitability of spring, and the rest of the seasons, reminds us that the light will come back. - @shadowspub

#gosh #ladiesofhive #threads

My daughter gives me so much Joy, she helps to love my husband... and make me want to fight for a better future. - @constanceitohan

#gosh #ladiesofhive #threads

Last year, I found a stone while I was walking on the beach... it looked like the world map - @josehany

#gosh #ladiesofhive #leofinance #threads

I just joined the Leo Finance community on Zealy. Wish me well.

Best time to get started.
Hit those quests and move up the leaderboard.

The glitches today affected my 100 leothread goal. but we can try again tomorrow. I am at around 60 something threads now and it is almost midnight here

Still lots of time to get there.
Every day is a fresh challenge.

I know, but I am feeling a bit tired. But i will try my best. I have 1hr30mins before midnight to reach my target. I wish there were more content to engage with

I think I have achieved 100 plus today already, it wasn't an easy step though, I have to use other frontend to count what have done so far, by now am more than 100 for the day and am still

Good for you. That's an incredible feat.

This #threadstorm is for #newbies on #hive and those who'd love to learn.

Most of y'all know this & more, however, your input will be appreciated.

Here are five tips to help you earn more on Hive aside Post and curation rewards.


  1. Participating in Contests gives you the opportunity to earn more in liquid prizes or tribal tokens. Contests like the Adoption Campaign, or various communities Contests. Also, your beautiful content may also earn you Author of the week😉

I love this point so much. I will endeavor to participate in contests more. And congratulations to you on coming 2nd in the LEO&HODL contest. Your invite motivated me and I'm grateful. Thank you

  1. You can put your HBD into savings to earn 20% APR (interest). The more HBD you have in your savings, the more your interest accumulates.
  1. There are some Second Layer tokens that give you weekly or monthly Hive rewards just for holding them. The tokens include: BRO, LEGION, UTOPIS, BXT, and many more. Do Your Own Research before purchasing any.
  1. I hope you still POSH on Twitter & GOSH on Threads. Although, the Twitter section is undergoing restructuring, sharing others posts on Twitter & Threads to earn POSH & GOSH is also a great move.
  1. KEEP ON THREADING! Yea, with Threads you can earn curation on your Threads; you can see insightful Threads like this; you can also earn gmtokens by using the gmfrens tags. And many more...

I think I need to make this a post 😁

show us the way fren

Nice tips man, these are useful especially because we have a lot of newbies around nowadays :D

Are you using plants to improve indoor air quality at home & office?

#greentuesday #pizza #threads #liotes #silverbloggers #poll #polls

Lots of useful AI tools & websites are getting launched everyday and making waves. Today I found an amazing post about an AI website that generates cool images based upon your search. It's free to use and gives multiple variations.

Things are really starting to get interesting on that front. #IBM is already planning to cut hires and jobs in favor of tools like that

That’s kind of alarming thou 🔥

In his post, @katerinaramm showcased an amazing free to use AI website that can easily compete with the leading AI image tools on web.

If you try and like the website , please let me know in the comments below.

Share it with us. You can even drop the

Here is the website -

Alright. Thanks

Which one do you think is better, Midjourney or Dall-e?

I tried mid journey and liked it very much, but haven’t used the other one yet, thanks for suggesting Dall-e 😊

There are 9 pages