There are 4 pages

Crypto skeptics: 'It's just digital money.' 🤑 Crypto enthusiasts: 'It's a technological revolution reshaping industries!' 💡 Where do you stand? Let's hash it out! #liotes #gmfrens $BTC $ETH $RUNE

Considering most have no idea what money is anymore that is not surprising. Even fewer understand a monetary system.

If they did, the answer is clear.

The clearest answers are to few.

That is true but, when it comes to money, many feel they understand and hold onto their ideology believing it is so. This is not the case.

Excellent quote for this day. Worthy to be shared on my Facebook profile.

nice comparison, I prefer cryto enthusiasts

Good morning all! What are you up to? Show us your posts!
Happy #Humpday!

The economic landscape of the world will be a lot different in the next two decades.

Nice integration of X Tweets into the Leofinance UI!
The fact you are sharing is crazy though!

thank you.

Yeah I heard Japan had this problem for some time now. They will turn to migrants at some point

not sure. They never have and prefer any other option. Let’s also be realistic, migrations do pose some other issues (stress on healthcare, integration, etc…). Considering their very « unique » society, they consider not possible…

Future looks like anti-Malthusian nightmare.

I need to go google that...

Without a doubt. People do not realize the impact of demographics on the economy. It is why a lot of the forecasts out there are senseless.

maybe countries like Japan will change their policies and allow for more migrants. Or they can fix their population crisis. It is a little too late

The problem is many countries are in the same boat. Much of the developed world is facing the same thing as is China. That means immigration is going to have to make up for a lot especially amount the educate class.

Hmm. The next two decades will be worse than now

most likely. However, we might fix some of the problems we currently face. There are still reasons to be optimistic

That number is too much. And you see many of them might not even be interested to raise potential younger ones to take up after them.

How many influencers there are in Japan?

True, we will see a different world than what we grown up in. Africa is positioned well.

i don't think Africa is positioned well. We will see mass migration in the coming years into Europe and other parts of the world as the continent disintegrates. There is hope for the Africans people but not much for the continent

#Economic Data keeps getting worse.
ADP numbers, JOLTS, #US GDP in Q3 revised down…
Market is just thinking: « Bad data = low rates => BullMarket ». No fear of recession so far.

Surprising. How come nobody was talking about this? Oh wait, I was.

Yield curve looks like it will win again.

I hate the recent Market Time of bad news = good news. So disconnected from reality and flowing liquidity into the system. Which is eventually going to destroy the entire system…

Capital flow tells the entire story.

My city has the most impatient motorists. No traffic lights/police here, this gridlock is a regular sight. Driving done wrong. Its 12.26 noon. #mydiary

It's the kind of driving you get when even the passengers will drive with mouth and always in a haste.

I thought it was my country, lol

You have these type of issues there?

ah yeah and sometimes motorist argue on the road,

Road rage is a global problem. Its worse in some places though. Can turn violent too

It's really annoying, I don't know what it would take from them to calm down for once.

They wont. Unless they all lock-up like this. Then they force each other to wait. Then shouting and road rage ensues. Its terrible.

Yeah and that's also almost impossible, wahala.

Sure it is. The intersection should have traffics lights/police.

That would work and that's why I said it's almost impossible, hehe.

Exactly. You can have on kinds of characters behind the steering wheel.

Yes impatient everywhere.

Being a student is not easy but then when you are no longer a student you miss some of the memories created. Well I don't 😂

#mydairy #life

That hall looks like one from my school 😅

It's a really big hall, we call it Alumna

!LOL Love it all. 🙏 🐸

I used to be addicted to soap
but now I'm clean.

Credit: lofone
@hopestylist, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken


I'm happy you do, hehe ❤️

The memories of those days are being missed greatly, am happy I graduated successfully because the stress, money and time consuming was much.

That's just it oo, when you did very well in school you will be proud looking back to those days but if you didn't, it's hard to want to go back, hehe.

Some people with good record prefer out School improvement.

Yeah, I totally think so too, hehe.

Hahahaha. I love the memories, but wont like to go back to student life. hehe. It was stressful.
Note: You missed our tag. Its #mydiary and not #mydairy

Not at all, I won't also want that.

Oops, thank you for the observation.

Cant wait to see more of your #mydiary threads. Just share how your day is going - things you'll do/are doing. Places you'll go/are going. All about your activities. Would like to see your lunch or other meals for today, hehe.

It's hard to share photos because I don't enjoy taking pictures with my phone but is try more now that I have a fan 😜😂.

A big fan to bring more fans ooo. And you have a pretty face anyway, so feel free. I use to be camera shy too. But gradually, I overcame it. You could start from capturing your activities and a few other stuffs.

That's good for me then, more fans 😃. Well, posting my face is not the problem, I just don't like using my phone to snap in general, not really my face, hehe.

#gmfrens Dolly was quite comfortable laying by my side 🥰
#dogs #hivegarden #aliveandthriving #freecompliments

This is the exact meaning of Peace

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Working down to the bustop, this is GRA Ikeja Lagos state Nigeria #mydiary

just a nice place. Nice picture.

GRA, enjoy your walk

It's a Greenhouse,

Where plants gain nous,

Of a climate more warm,

Especially at dawn.

As quiet as a mouse.

#bcpoets #hivegarden

greetings to everyone. Is raining again today.

1/ 🧵 Good morning friends, I am excited to share with you the first LeoFlow report and update,

link in the following thread. 👇

#gmfrens #leofinance #leoflow #hive

Find out here what has happened in the first week of LeoFlow's life.


I'm back in the UK after 3 weeks of travelling. Prepare for a flood of posts. I have so many photos

I am ready. I have tighten my seat belt.

a series of post? 😁

Aren't all posts a series really?

Welcome back to hive, hope you enjoyed your vacation

We will be waiting excitingly. Welcome back.

Frens, TheyCallMeDan is hosting a spaces today 11am PST / 2pm EST. We'll talk about the Leo DHF proposal and go in-depth on the LeoVerse.

We'll share a link here when we have it.

okay let's wait till link shared

Let's see if this show can have such a exciting threadcast as the ama had yesterday

Thank you fren. Look forward to it. 🐸 🙏

Need a threadcast for it.

Here it is - today's #footballquiz!Look familiar? Drop your answers 👇#threadstorm 🧵/2


  1. @tengolotodo.leo 36 points
  2. @pvmihalache 26 points
  3. @forexbrokr 18 points
  4. @wealthwess 17 points
  5. @caspermoeller89 7 points
  6. @luchyl 4 points
  7. @femowilly 4 points
  8. @kingsleyy 3 points
  9. @anderssinho 1 point 🧵/2
  1. AFC Wimbledon 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
  1. CF Monterrey 🇲🇽

Good Morning,

Just removed delegation of brofi and psyberx.

I think it's time to build some account and then give the delegation to dividend giving tokens later.


Oh well sounds like a Good plan. Wish ya luck

Here's another of the many options out there:

  • Staking BXT earns you daily drips of HIVE

I don't know how it compares to other options you know about; i'm just presenting it.

Not financial advice

#gmfams market look green! Dont get care away though mimight be bull trap!

Take profits while you can (NFA) 😉

Lol you're right

Haha, should remind myself of that as well.

When we're living in time,

There's no reason nor rhyme,

As our heads are down in the gutter.

When we live in the now,

We need not wonder how,

As life flows along like butter.

#bcpoets #leopoets

hello, do have a good day ahead


It took me an hour some minutes to get here only for my head to call telling am at wrong place, what a stress. #aliveandthriving #mydiary

That's not cool at all, hope you've arrived at the correct destination now?

Yes, I did arrived.

That's good to know 🤗

My pepper nursery, will be transplanting when I come back from my assignment. For now am getting ready to leave. #hivegarden #mydiary

Is there anyone out here who have got rich with MLM?

Just asking for research purpose. I recently got a DM where someone wanted to make me rich if become member under their downline. lol.


most MLM guys that I know get rich only when they actively recruit .. not from the product itself.

The only thing I can tell you is run ooo

But if you are ready to work and recruit others to be your downliners, then you can take it up

A lot of "fake it until you make it". Confusing income with profit. The really rich ones sell training materials, seminars, and retreats. They poach your recruits under the guise of "training" you.

I had family who tried—ruined their time, finances and relationships.

I don't even know what that is in the first place, lol

At work with my colleagues, lemon uniform work today #mydiary

How is your week so far?
It is so important to produce results, but we can neglect the task to protect our family in this economic crisis.
Will you relocate?

They didn't allow me take pictures, reasons I know, but lots of goodies to take home. This just a tip. #mydiary

what is this?

It's our local fruit we call pear

Waaoo enjoyment.


Weekly Activity Report - Hive Achievements within the last days of August #goals #finance #outreach #threadstorm


I got many tokens on my wallet and contributed to the community with engagement. I am targetting more than 150 Hive to stake for the coming HPUD.


On the 30th day of August, I finally doubled my $HBD goal. Still have four months to go. I wonder if I can make it to 400 $HBD before the year ends.

Good job. Keep at it.

Yeah, this is the only way I know that is making financial sense.

Just deposit at least 25 HBD to your HBD Savings every payday to reach your goal of 400 HBD by the end of this year. 🤓😏


Why was the painter sprinting down the street?
Because his paint was running.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester



1/🧵 This makes us think about our Life Values. Interested to join?
#outreach #threadstorm

2/🧵 Out of 8 items, the request is to select 2 perks we want to receive. I used my Gut feeling. And then I used my rational thinking to try and explain my picks. What about you?

🏆 #Sorare Review: GW 401 ⚽️🎮

This week's #Sorare update:
➡️ No rewards this time, tough luck 🥴
➡️ Focused on Rare & Limited Cap 240 comps
➡️ Both teams missed the 250-pt #Eth threshold


💔 Rare Cap 240: Came closest to hitting the 250 points threshold, just no high scorers.

❌ Limited Cap 240: Dead on arrival due to unplanned keeper switch

3 weeks into new #Eredivisie season:
📉 1st time not hitting 250-pt threshold for #Eth reward

Time to strategize for #eredivisie round 4 fixtures this weekend.

#nfts #play2earn #cryptogaming

#mydiary, assignment is done so am leaving, the cloud isn't smiling #nature and I don't want it to rain while am still on my way. It's the season though.

Finally am here, it's a boundary between my state and the neighboring one. The staff on duty said she won't be attending to me #mydiary

Happy you made it to the right location. Your help was from map + Human, right?

The both was of good help. And am happy I located it

Hope the work is going well

The work is moving perfectly.

Did she give a reason why she won't be attending to you?

That her senior colleague is the one that should be attending to me

Oh I see, so has the senior colleague attended to you yet?

We definitely need an ability to filter our feed on all Hive Interface, block users, choose what to see ability.


You can 'mute' on other frontends, but blocking means that users can't moderate, so that'll never happen. The Whales will never give up their power to downvote as they feel fit to zero out rewards. That's the difference between block/mute

Thats sad, then entire hive narrative is like we exist as long as whales don't find us irritating and useless, the moment they do, then their one vote kills the account.

That's pretty much exactly it. You hit the nail on the head.

Spending the morning with my laptop down at the #beach. Will do a little writing and trading. Have a good one whatever you are doing!

Sounds like a great day ahead! 🤩 Enjoy! #freecompliments

Sounds so nice 👍
Is crypto your job than or just WFH? :)

Pretty much, sold my business in 2019 and have been an independent entity since...

Well done! 👏👏

It was literally a few months before covid... so turned out to be a perfect exit.

If you knew what I knew you’d be insanely bullish

What do I know? Absolutely nothing, that’s why I’m so bullish

Can I add Bullshit to it? 🤣

Where did you get the Gif, can't find it anywhere

Same here 😅

What do you call a dead magician?
An abra-cadaver.

Credit: marshmellowman
@mistakili, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fantagira7


I know nothing. I buy low and sell high. lol

Lol, don't mess with my intelligence this morning 😂, I'm still struggling to understand this.

hahaha, wait don't tell me you're just joking about the birthday stuff? 😂

not joking about that one o

But your gif felt like you were teasing me, lol.

Happy Birthday to me

Happy birthday! 🎂🎂
Do I dare to ask how old you will be ? :)

Is there a birthday party today? :)

I’m 31 today lol

Naa no party. Just cooking in with family

Happy Birthday Buddy!

May you have many blessed and amazing years of life.

We need something for birthdays on hive like a badge or something.. would be cool.

In web 2.0 they make memory/moment spent on platform.

Thanks a lot bro I appreciate

Balloons pop up on Twitter….we will get there soon lol

Happy birthday to you 🎉🥳 Any party plans? 😁

thank you….na no party…just cooking in with fam

I hope it’s been an enjoyable day nonetheless 💙🎉

Awwn, Happy birthday sir 🥰

thank you I appreciate 😊😊😊

You're welcome 🥰

How young?

31 young

Wow! So many years ahead of you. My eldest son is just 4 years younger than you.

Gm frens.My day have started already.have done my routine cleaning.I will bring you to speed with other activities of today. #mydiary

Gm mate!

Have a productive day and looking forward to see how it goes

Thank you mate.
I wish you the best today

Hello friend, it's a good thing to clean up your environment. Weldon and do have a nice day

Thank you.
And do have a great day

Well done, it's not easy to clean but you did and your environment is looking nice too.

Thank You.
I will continue to do my Best

You're welcome, I'm sure you will 👍

i sit with the sun on my legs

Writing a poem on threads,

Why do i write?

In poetry i delight,

And in gardening and playing in sheds.

#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday



Twitter received another money transfer license. This makes 7 in the United States. The merging of social media and finance is happening before our eyes. Yet, how many are talking about this?

2/ When we look around the cryptocurrency world, the same is true: silence. Few networks are able to provide social media services and this is going to limit them in the future.

3/ Musk is clearly showing the path of where things will be in the future. There will be no social media without finance. That means users are going to be on financial networks that have social media incorporated.

4/ Social media is the Trojan Horse. Musk is fully aware of this. It is also a concept long discussed on Hive. We are now seeing it becoming more evident.

5/ The model is clear. This is something that Hive needs to take seriously. There are few in Web3 that are capable of this. It is how Hive can stand out.

Think many other networks is looking at what X is doing and Hive is positioned really well for this coming future 👍

Have you heard about Islamic Coin ?

The path that Twitter (now X) is taking since Elon Musk bought the platform is quite interesting. I think that he is actually changing for the better the whole concept of social networks as we knew them until now.

🧵 my goals are totally different now regarding hive , it's simple but it's time taken 💫🙂

#leofinance #hivelearners

Hey Les, did you write on Leofinance?
Is that what you shared here?

i write it on ecency and published through ecency too but just share my link here ☺️

I mean leofinance community, was it financial?

yes it's financial but I don't put #leofinance tag or community in my post

what do you think should i put a tag of #leofinance in it or not?

ah okay if was under HL community, I just thought you shared it Leo finance.

Yes you got it right now 🥰

Come and join me



thanks dear

without me? No way 😂

Smiles 😀

Hmm, don't smile at me oo, where is mine? 😂

Please drop your location 😁

It is in my bio; close to the equator.

Oh my! Which side if the equator, it seems like I'm close to that area, hehe.

drop discord ID

Drop yours, I don't remember mine 😂

There are 4 pages