There are 4 pages

Rice and stew is my best meal to eat on weekends, especially when the stew is deliciously cooked with chicken 😋.

#hivefood #contest #thread

  • This is my best food as well all the time. I am currently preparing stew now. Soon, I will boil white rice. Enjoy your meal

Seems it is majority of Nigerians best food

One of the stable foods. Best amongst all for me ☺️

Oh! then you should give me your location as I want some new stew 😀

That combination eh 😉

Oh i like me some chicken stew haha.

Hmm how i wish i can grab this plate of rice out here lol

Enjoy 😉

Lol. Maybe I'll give you my location to come grab a plate 🙃

That will not be bad

Join up lol

Oh send location 😋

Ok, location for 1 HBD 😂

Sharp, Sharp? lol

That’s for location o,

How about the plate of food? Hope no HBD payment 😂

There's a price for everything 😂. But you never can tell, just come first whatever you see I'm sure you can handle it. 🙃

Eating a plate of this meal—rice and stew—keeps the doctor away 🤣

#hivediy Materials I like to use in crafts N°3. FABRICS. I don't know how to sew, but I love to do sewing projects. I love felt.

Over the last year the CTPSB token grew by 22.54%. Which is a pretty nice APR!
#ctpsb #liotes

From Small cleanup to harvesting. We got some yam and I got snails too

Wow. I love snail. Is that the only one you found? You should prepare it and enjoy your effort on it.

No, we found other ones, but that one I had to make extra effort to get it because it was on a pawpaw tree 😂

Yam is one of my favorite vegetables, but is that snail edible? I've never tried it! Congratulations on the harvest, may God bless you.

Yes, we use snails to make soups. We also fry them!
How do you eat yams there?

Here's today's #footballquiz! Good luck ya all!



Is 1 Colchester United? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

The blue doesn't quite match, but I'm struggling haha.

Actually, what about Old Caledonians Buenos Aires? 🇦🇷

Nope. I thought this was going to be an easy one. Interestingly the more generic ones seem to be the hardest.


  1. Hapoel Be'er Sheva FC 🇮🇱.

That's right!

@brando28! Your post is buzzing, you were tipped 0.01 SLOTHBUZZ on behalf of @pvmihalache.
Learn more about the SLOTHBUZZ Token at Sloth.Buzz and consider sharing your post there or using the #slothbuzz next time


#footballquiz is running a little late this weekend but here are the correct logos for the previous one:



  1. Ado Den Haag (@kingsleyy, 1 point)
  2. FC Volendam (@forexbrokr , 2 points)
  3. Flamengo (@jerrythefarmer , 3 points)


Sunday Greetings, stay positive, enjoy nature, fresh mind brings inner beauty.
#ladiesofhive #silverbloggers #life #threads

Very well said!

Enjoy your Sunday :)

Lovely rain arrived, have a great day too.

That’s good and thanks i’ll try.

Thanks friend, same wishes.

Thanks !LOLZ

What is a cows favourite song
I like to mooooove it mooooooove it

Credit: reddit
@daniasi, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart



Oh that is gorgeous Joan, and so good to see you threading!

When I find the gap 🙃

How was your goals achievement on Hive lately? #target #outreach #threadstorm


Internal market was the right place to swap HBD to Hive when prices went very low.


Lots of $HIVE trading going on. I'd love to see it break into the top 200 on @coingecko. Go send it a thumbs up.

Top 200 would be good. The ongoing #hivefest may create some buzz. I am hoping.

If it doesn't arrive now to the top 200, soon it will arrive. Hive is awesome and the people few to few is watching this.


$HIVE reached the top 200 some time ago; I'm hoping it makes a comeback. Perhaps a top 50 wouldn't be bad, haha.

The 'other coin' was top 10 for a while. We have plenty of growth potential.

Happy resting day to all the Hiveans
Bless day

Peace ✌️

Not very many people rest on this day.

Thank you

No rest for more today. I have a presentation on Tuesday which I have to prepare for, wish me luck.

Good luck for your presentation tomorrow

"Do what you love, not what you think you're supposed to do."

Powered up 98.050 #HIVE

Great job as always

Thanks buddy

Good to see, everytime

I still have motivation to keep going.

That's the right mindset; keep it up, and you'll go far

Thanks buddy, i like your punk avatar

Thank you, yours is very cool too!

#gmfrens today is the last day of our convention, i think am going to make new friends.

what convention is that🫤
If church which church
It should not the same one as mine

  • it's always nice to make news friends. I wish you all the best in the convention. Good morning

That's very true

it's good to make new friends, have a fruitful day and enjoy your last day of convention

I believe life always bring new friends to our path

Yeah, the right friend though

Nice, I hope you enjoy it to the full. If you are in Abia State, how did you cope with the disruption on Friday?

He hide under his bed 🌚

That’s nice,

when you do make one or two, don’t forget to introduce them to hive and LEO family 😉

Are you in mexico for the #hivefest?

No, that is a link where I create the invitation card and thus support the hivefest

Oh okay. #hivefest

Siempre para ayudar. Un abrazo.

The following stanzas are selected from the poetical version of my article Hive Blockchain: A Hidden Treasure in the Fintech World



So if you seek fair compensation or robustness in tech,

Or simply want to explore the crypto spec,

Hive awaits, a gem worth your attention,

In the ever-expanding universe of financial invention.


In the world of fintech, Hive shines bright,

A hidden treasure, with promises in sight.

Its commitment to decentralization and innovation,

Could reshape the landscape, a new foundation.


Compared to other cryptos, Hive may be unseen,

But its value and potential are just as keen.

While Bitcoin and Ethereum steal the show,

Hive's unique advantages begin to glow.


Hello! 🙂


Hope you won't be adopted if I make so many threads today

Bingo already has a pack!

ohhhh 😧 no

Hiii Bingo, good morning and how are you

First time seeing my name on the Druid/Wizard/Ranger leaderboard all three at the same time.

That is awesome. Good for you :)


@rzc24-nftbbg! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/50)

However, @ifarmgirl beats us all.



What did I do now?


What does a thesaurus have for breakfast?
A synonym roll.

Credit: reddit
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ifarmgirl


You made it to 4 leaderboards; I only made 3.



What do you say when a Southern person stabs you in the back?

Credit: reddit
@ifarmgirl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg



@bradleyarrow! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg. (1/5)

How often should you tell chemistry jokes?

Credit: reddit
@bradleyarrow, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

For a moment, I thought "what are those?" lol!

Congrats! You're doing great!

You're doing even greater!



@ifarmgirl-leo, @rzc24-nftbbg(1/1) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Join in Hive General chat | Type ! help (no space) to get help on Hive. Info

Made with LUV by crrdlx

The triumph of multi-classes.

1/🧵Good morning friends! Final Version of #leoflow. Do you want to see what the next LeoFlow update will bring? Well, I can tell you that you will be shocked. 👇

#outreach #threadstorm #gmfrens

2/🧵This version could be called "One Click"
As you hear, a single click and all the work will be done. You do not believe me? 👇

3/🧵Watch this video that shows the progress of the update


I’m mostly 2, but sometimes when my head is correct I’m 1🤣

Left one is me. I have only 2 folder lol.

lol wow people really function differently

there are few in betweens

same here but I’m more of 2 than 1

same here

😂🤣🤣we are the special ones

Same here hehe. When I'm in 2 and see a lot of things in the desktop, I change to 1

but it helps me reach things I want faster…I just like 2

I'm 2, in my virtual and actual desk too.... and I'm trying to change it but it just happens. It's bad for the pc tho, so I try to at least clean that every once in a while

lmao. Same, I clean up sometimes but it gets all over the place again, but sometimes I think it helps me reach things I want fast

I'm going to buy a little table that has three baskets and wheels... so that I can but everything in there, move it around the room wherever I am, and it will be a mess but look neat all inside it xD

Heeeeeey, the Sunday. On the notes of "Sunshine".
Have a great you all guys. Today planning for this week and a great activity in Bologna later this afternoon

Have a positive day ahead dear friend

Sunday is always a fun day for everyone, the sun the weather is just calm and relaxing but not for everyone

Sunday's are truly always fun

waooo this is beautiful I mean the cloud

That's true. Thinking I am the only one

True fren

So what about the houses 🌚

good as well

Nice picture, enjoy your day

Beach horse shoe champs - Griffindorks

@anomadsoul @intothewild @khaleelkazi

this is grey, I can feel the joy on your faces

#hivefest things on point
Hope there was a feast that took place for the fest

Great food and a show

Yea was really a great show

official horse shoe champs. Undefeated. Proof of Win

@khaleelkazi @anomadsoul @intothewild

Aah, I was wondering who won. Congratulations guys!

This should be fun, Night time sport, Beach, the air and everything is good. Peace of mind.

It should really be fun

definitely will be fun 🤩

A big congratulations guys

All you do is WIN 🏅


Good morning, let's the life to flow, and put our worries of side, I can sure to you we'll be happier.


Good morning

Take those worries off and enjoy life, be happier. Good morning to you.

How I started a small-scale business in 2017 when my salary was little and couldn't go anywhere to feed my family. I started the business to support dad and my siblings. #outreach #threadstorm

1/ 🧵

As of then, I was being paid #12000 (11 HBD) with my NCE certificate. This was the money I was using to support my Dad's business; he sold bread by the roadside every evening from 4 pm to 11 pm.

2/ 🧵

If you would like to read more, you can click this link and feel free to comment. I will be expecting you 🤩


3/ 🧵

Time to thread early when no one is awake. That's the trick to send few threads. I will be busy throughout the day otherwise. #motivation

Always is a good time for threading hahaha, but if you do it early you are building an extraordinary habit.

Yes. This is best for me as I will not have time later on when others are awake.

Let them find the threads and reply to it hahaha It's very funny to me how the GM threads get divided for the time-zones

I loved the photo; these flowers are so delicate! Hey, wait! I almost didn't see that butterfly!

haha! It camouflaging with the leaves.

same here. It brings so much details

and this turns out to be amazing

it is thank you!


I'll be more comfortable when it reaches 1200 sats or more.

It will certainly

Ok, this is Good to see :)

Hive to the 🌙🌝

On the way up!

Things we love to see. Let's push it higher

Top token unlocks.

I follow dYdX and EDU as both are strong projects.

Interesting, you’ve done so well to share with us :)

Thank you fren.

Guess I will need to check them out also

This is trending gospel song by Tope Alabi album.
This song talks about how our life's will be without God. One who ignores God will definitely suffer.

It’s a powerful gospel song 🎵

What a song to listen to on a good Sunday morning like this..
I love Tope Alabi's songs actually, they are uplifting 🙏💙

She's loaded with lyrics

Love this content. Definitely checking the gospel song

You can download on any music app, you would love it definitely

This song is really nice, I love it so much.
Tope Alabi's songs are always meaningful and inspirational

#lovinghive Con #hiverun correr al aire libre en un día soleado ayuda a tu cuerpo a producir vitamina D, un nutriente para prevenir síntomas depresivos.

#hiverun #leofinance #weekendthreading

time to continue staying fit

Undoubtedly, there is no turning back.

vitamina D, WoW! Que interesante

Así pronto verás los resultados 😃

creo que ya tengo exceso de vitamina D jejejejeje

Happy Sunday.
Am back from a Christian meeting. I will now cook and relax.
How are you enjoying your #weekend .. any special plans? #mydiary

Let's hear you

are you cooking by yourself?

Yes, I will be cooking myself.

Am seriously listening to important scriptural base talks at our convention. Emm, please, what did you learn from your Christian meeting?

The topic today is forgiveness.
Math. 6:14

Great way to start a Sunday, I think my plans will be the same, quiet at home, a nice meal and looking for something to do. Good day to you.

Have a great Sunday

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Just bought this fire summoner at 1.47, after I bought it increased to 3.6 dollars🙂. Luck. Wished I bought 10🤣

LOl good decision to buy it in cheap and you are lucky.

Making my hair on a Sunday morning, #gmfrens good morning everyone

Incredible hairstyle, with all the attitude to achieve everything we set out to do, good day to you.

Horshoe throwing contest #hivefest

woaaaah? Impressive and interesting

Seconded ;)

Perfect setup for beachball tournament.

Indeed, very true

I can’t see any lady. Are ladies not allowed in #hivefest 😅😅
Or they are scared of the night

😂😂😂 you are funny

Guess who’s holding the phone & taking the picture? 😉

I can’t guess
I later saw a lady in the picture Erik uploaded

Just learned about the Nostr.

Which is SATS based. Extremely micro cent income. And also lot of hustle to even get noticed over there. But just thought to share it.

nostr clients like Primal, iris.

I've come across the name Nostr a few times and once tried to take a look at it but didn't really understand how to log in. Is it just a micro-blogging platform?

It's just front end protocol for SATS lightning protocol's HIVE like implementation.

I have heard about it but i don't think i will be exploring other social media platforms for now. I have set m eyes on Hive, Twitter and Tiktok.


looking for direction? Is this the breakout we've been waiting for? Lets see how this move plays out

good morning friends, it's a beautiful day

A breakout would be an excellent thing for a change! I usually don't make any conclusions on Sunday's but tomorrow might be interesting when the markets open.

Sunday, last day of the weekend. It's a chilly weather, but the sun is shining ☀️

Wish you all a beautiful day ❤️

Also, go to the tag #numberstruck to win $LEO (3 asks for help and the help will be posted)

the weather is cool here in fact there was a rain yesterday i guess that is why the weather is so cold this morning.

Did great on my First UI Design

Sign in button looks too big

Nice job. when did you start your coding journey?

Late last month but its not coding, just learning how to design with figma as its part of my UI/UX design journey

Fair enough. You can learn basic html and css. it is not that difficult.

lol, the whole coding tech thing scares me, so i am just taking them one step at a time

My fingers are sore.... I have sent over 4k messages on a discord server in the space fo 24hours... Omo to get money no easy

4k? In 24hrs?

You deserve all the green $ #respect

Getting money is the best part :P

Because he lives, I live
Because he lives I'm assured of the future

Happy sunday lovelies🤗#



Happy Sunday 😉

Thank you 🤗, hope ur day is going smoothly

Happy sunday to you dear. Have a lovely day.

Thank you
Hope your day is going smoothly😊

Happy Sunday and may the Lord continuing to put a smile on your face.

#gmfrens How are you all feeling? I hope you are giving thanks for being able to enjoy one more day of life, so let's enjoy this gift. Good morning to all

It always good to give thanks to the creator for given us another opportunity to witness a new day.

Yeah, enjoy your day too :)

Good morning. Doing good.

After reading your thread, I remembered one of Sadhguru's words. He said 'When you get up in the morning, the first thing you should do is smile. Because just the fact that you woke up is not a small thing.' #sadhguru #thread

My son is really a future threader, lol. He requested me to put rice in a cup and put it in his plate. To my surprisesurprise he decorated it with the fish and take picture.

Or probably the whole family is a future threader

That’s some design over there lol

Kudos to him :)

Yes he is creative.

Absolutely, might have learned that from you?

Clever son and creative too.. God bless you both. 🙏

yEs he is. Thanks.

Looks like it is ging to be a beautiful sunny day in Newfoundland

Good Morning community, Happy Sunday to you all. My plans for the day are golf driving range, food and a fun and relaxing day with keeping tabs on #hivefest of course. May you all have a great day #gmfrens #hive #leo

Whoa, you’ve scheduled your day perfectly well. Nice one fren. Now i wish you fun all through the day ;)

🧵 1. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman meets G20 expert group on strengthening Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to discuss funding sustainable infrastructure. #finance

🧵 2. G20 Independent Expert Group, co-convened by Lawrence Summers and N K Singh, delivers Volume 1 of report focusing on strengthening MDBs.

🧵 3. MDBs must provide $260bn annually for sustainable infrastructure to achieve SDG targets, states G20 Independent Expert Group in report.

🧵 4. India's G20 Presidency hosts final Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) Meeting in Morocco next month.

🧵 5. Major MDBs like World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and African Development Bank play crucial roles in funding sustainable development goals.

Nice move, i think

I was on mY way out when i saw this beautiful snail
Have you ha done before?

You eat snail?

Yea with soup


I heard it taste great?

I love snails in vegetable soups, it'sreally nice!

Really really nice

The snail will look even more beautiful in my tummy lol. Happy Sunday mate I hope you are having a great day.

There are 4 pages